

African-American History

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Charley Bins

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What made people from eastern cities want to move west after the US Civil War

Most westward expansion increased right after the civil war due to the mining industry in the west. The civil war caused economic problems. People were looking to start over and "get rich quick". Many people desired to own their own land. Thus the Homestead Act was created.

The building of the transcontinental railroad created more jobs and led to more land being sold and purchased.

The demands for beef in the west and the cattle drives led to ranching and farming.

What name was given to African Americans who moved to the Great Plains


Which group wanted to lower taxes and cut social programs in the South in the late 1800s

democratic party

What was a similarity in the South between tenant farming and sharecropping

farmers worked land owned by others

What was the main debate for setting up colleges and universities for African Americans

the main debate in setting up colleges and universities for african american was whether to:

African Americans seeking free land in the Midwest faced

all of the above - APEX

Freed slaves who wanted land avalible under the homestead act still faced the challenge of

Moving to the west

What was the following was the practice of poll taxes based upon

A person's economic level - Apex

How many blacks migrate to the great plains area

The homestead act offered them free land

What statement about the case of Sacco and Vanzetti is true apex

Many felt that sacco and vanzetti were convicted because of xenophobia

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What made people from eastern cities want to move west after the US Civil War

What name was given to African Americans who moved to the Great Plains

Which group wanted to lower taxes and cut social programs in the South in the late 1800s

What was a similarity in the South between tenant farming and sharecropping

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What made people from eastern cities want to move west after the US Civil War

What name was given to African Americans who moved to the Great Plains

Which group wanted to lower taxes and cut social programs in the South in the late 1800s

What was Lincolns position on the issue of suffrage for African Americans

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What made people from eastern cities want to move west after the US Civil War

What name was given to African Americans who moved to the Great Plains

Which group wanted to lower taxes and cut social programs in the South in the late 1800s

What was the idea behind the black codes that limited civil rights in the south

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What made people from eastern cities want to move west after the US Civil War

What name was given to African Americans who moved to the Great Plains

Which group wanted to lower taxes and cut social programs in the South in the late 1800s

What was the idea behind the black codes that limited civil rights in the south

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US Civil War

12 cards

What made people from eastern cities want to move west after the US Civil War

What name was given to African Americans who moved to the Great Plains

What did Lincoln hope to do about voting after the civil war

What are Scalawags and carpetbaggers are terms associated with what

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