

Celebrity Births Deaths and Ages

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Emmanuel Bednar

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What is an example of a positive statement

A positive statement is a philosophical term for statements that simply state how things are without moral implications. An example of a positive statement would be "the grass is green".

Which character from American born Chinese experiences a character arc over the course of the novel

jin wang

Which type of sentence speeds up The pacing of a story

Those sentences that are simple and direct speed up the pacing.

Which phrase from this passage of A Visit to Charity helps slow down the pacing of the story

"prickly dark"

What is an example that best displays a gloomy mood

The curtains dragged heavily to the ground, the view from the glass obscured by a fog of neglect. (APEX)

In A Visit of Charity what does the nurse hear that makes her choose that specific room for Marian to enter

A cough

According to Watching the World from the Riverbank what does the setting of a story help create

Atmosphere and mood is correct for apex

According to Watching the World from the Riverbank what does setting help to enhance in a story

Atmosphere and mood -apex :)

At the conclusion of A Visit of Charity what does Marian do after leaving the nursing home

she runs to meet the bus and eats her apple

In A Visit of Charity why does Marian visit the ladies in the nursing home

to get points from the Campfire girls

In A Visit of Charity what happens that makes Marian run from the women's room

She sees addie crying

In a visit of charity how does the nurse choose the room where she places Marian

She hears the sound of a woman cough inside the room

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What is an example of a positive statement

Which character from American born Chinese experiences a character arc over the course of the novel

How does the use of dialogue affect the pacing of a story

Which type of sentence speeds up The pacing of a story

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What is an example of a positive statement

Which character from American born Chinese experiences a character arc over the course of the novel

How does the use of dialogue affect the pacing of a story

Which type of sentence speeds up The pacing of a story

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Which character from American born Chinese experiences a character arc over the course of the novel

Which type of sentence speeds up The pacing of a story

Which phrase from this passage of A Visit to Charity helps slow down the pacing of the story

What is an example that best displays a gloomy mood

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Which character from American born Chinese experiences a character arc over the course of the novel

What does Marian compare the women's room to in A Visit of Charity

Which phrase from this passage of A Visit to Charity helps slow down the pacing of the story

How does the use of complex and detailed sentences affect the pacing of a story

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