

US Constitution

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Henry Feeney

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2y ago
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Cards in this guide (11)
What does it mean to ratify something

Ratify means to write one's name in token of assent, responsibility, or obligation.

What does the third amendment guarantee

the protection from quartering troops.

no soldier shall in time of peace in quartered into your home with out owners consent.

Which of the following statements is true regarding the Union of South Africa

Blacks and whites did not have equal rights!!! :(

Which amendment guarantees that a person cannot be tried twice for the same crime

the 5th admendment

What amendment was designed specifically to deal with an economic issue

Sixteenth Amendment


Who believed additional protections in the Constitution would further secure the rights and liberties of citizens

all anti federalist and some federalist

Who believed that the addition of a bill of rights to the Constitution was critical to the success of the new Federal Government

Anti-Federalists believed that the addition of a bill of rights to the Constitution was critical to the success of the new Federal Government.

Which of the following is an example of a political amendment

President is limited to two terms in office

What is a body of law based on custom tradition and precedent set in past court cases

common law

The right for a citizen to bear arms is protected under which amendment

The second amendment of the US Constitution.

Which of the following is not considered a suffrage amendment

The term limit of a president is two years

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What does it mean to ratify something

What does the third amendment guarantee

Which amendment guarantees that a person cannot be tried twice for the same crime

What amendment was designed specifically to deal with an economic issue

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Which of the following statements is true regarding the Union of South Africa

What amendment was designed specifically to deal with an economic issue

Who believed additional protections in the Constitution would further secure the rights and liberties of citizens

Which group demanded a bill of rights should be added to the Constitution after it was ratified

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Who supported the Constitution

Which of the following statements is true regarding the Union of South Africa

What amendment was designed specifically to deal with an economic issue

Which group demanded a bill of rights should be added to the Constitution after it was ratified

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Who was President of the Constitutional Convention in 1787

What does it mean to ratify something

Which of the following statements is true regarding the Union of South Africa

Which amendment guarantees that a person cannot be tried twice for the same crime

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Which of the following statements is true regarding the Union of South Africa

What amendment was designed specifically to deal with an economic issue

Who believed additional protections in the Constitution would further secure the rights and liberties of citizens

What is the basis for the rights described in the Sixth Amendment

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