

World War 2

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Rachael Donnelly

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2y ago
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What was the result of the Scopes monkey trial

Scopes was declared guilty, but people felt the law violated the Constitution. Scopes was fined and the law was upheld.

What was a goal of the Marshall Plan

To help rebuild Europe, and ultimately to make Communism less appealing. People in a country that is poor and struggling are more likely go give into the promises of Communism. This was a part of the "Containment" policy.

How did Fordism affect American labor

It helped American workers enter the middle class

What policy did the Truman Doctrine support


Which statement is true of the 1950s

Some Americans were accused of being Communist agents.

Which nations were superpowers after world war 2

The United States and the Soviet Union were the Superpowers after World War 2.

What was an agreement made by the Allies at the Potsdam Conference

Stalin promised that the Soviet Union would declare war against Japan.

The iron curtain divided the world into

The iron curtain divided the world into the eastern and western bloc.

What was an argument used in favor of dropping atomic bombs on japan

it would prevent high casualties that would be caused by an invasion of mainland japan

The Cold War resulted from

Tensions between the two nations at the end of World War II. The two nations were the United States and the Soviet Union.

What was a consequence of refusing to answer questions asked by the House Un-American Activities Committee and gt

You could be blacklisted.

What statement about the case of Sacco and Vanzetti is true apex

Many felt that sacco and vanzetti were convicted because of xenophobia

Which of these was not a principle of liberalism during the cold war



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