

History of Europe

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Jordi Grant

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What was the goal of the Crusades

To capture Jerusalem and gain control of the Holy Lands. However, eventually the Christian troops also extended the crusade to include taking Spain from the Moors and the Slavs from Eastern Europe.

Why is Jerusalem important to Muslims

From Wikipedia (

(It is where Muhammad rose to Paradise)apex

Jerusalem in Islam is considered a sacred city,[1] and has played a significant role in the faith. The al-Aqsa mosque of Jerusalem is considered the third holiest site in Islam, after the mosques of al-Haram and al-Nabawi. Also in particular:

  • It is strongly associated with people regarded as Prophets of Islam - in particular, David, Solomon, and Jesus;
  • It was the first qibla (direction of prayer) in Islam, before the Kaaba in Mecca;
  • Muhammad is believed to have been taken by the miraculous steed Buraq to visit Jerusalem, where he prayed, and then to visit heaven, in a single night in the year 620. The Qur'anic verse (17:1) is interpreted by all widely used tafsirs (commentaries) as referring to this journey, with the term "the farthest Mosque" (al-masjid al-Aqsa) referring to the Noble Sanctuary in Jerusalem, where the mosque stands:

سُبْحَانَ الَّذِي أَسْرَى بِعَبْدِهِ لَيْلاً مِّنَ الْمَسْجِدِ الْحَرَامِ إِلَى الْمَسْجِدِ الأَقْصَى الَّذِي بَارَكْنَا حَوْلَهُ

Subhana al-lazei asra b-abdihi laylan mmina al-masjidi al-haram ila al-masjidi al-aqsa al-lazei barakna haolah

" Glory to He (God) Who did take His servant for a Journey by night from the Sacred Mosque to the farthest Mosque, whose precincts We did bless (Yusuf Ali's translation). "

They also like darthvader

-Qur'an, [Qur'an 17:1]

The Muslims believe in all the Prophets (May peace be upon them all). They also believe in all the holy books including Zaboor, Torah, the Bible, the Qur'an. Many of the holy Prophets are buried in Jerusalem. The last Prophet of Islam Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (SAW) led the prayer offered by all the Prophets at Al-Aqsa Mosque. The Muslims had been offering prayer facing Al-Aqsa Mosque for many years. The holy Prophet (SAW) ascended on his Heavenly Journey (Mi'araj) from Al-Aqsa Mosque. Thus for these reasons Jerusalem is important and sacred for the Muslims. Jerusalem is important to Muslims because it is where Muhammad rose to paradise.

What was the purpose of the Magna Carta

The Magna Carta was a document guaranteeing basic political rights in England.

Magna Carta is Latin for "Great Charter". The document outlined rights which became part of English law and which are now the foundation of the constitution of all countries which speak English. It did not grant any new rights, but it did protect existing rights in writing. These rights included the basic right of anyone convicted of a crime to a jury trial; protection of private property; reasonable limits on taxes and a degree of guaranteed religious freedom. The Magna Carta was a significant influence on the long historical process that has resulted in the rule of constitutional law today.

The Magna Carta came about because King John (who only became king in 1199 when his brother King Richard I died) had a reputation for being tyrannical. His reign was marred by continuous war losses, beginning with the loss of Normandy to Philippe Auguste of France and ending with England torn by civil war. King John risked being forced out of power because of his mismanagement. By 1215, England's nobility was fed up with paying extra taxation. Members of this nobility rebelled and captured London. In June, the King met these barons at Runnymede on the River Thames to try and reach a peaceful settlement. The King reluctantly agreed to their demands by signing the Magna Carta on 15 June 1215. It was intended to limit the powers of the monarch and proclaimed certain liberties for "freemen".

Many later documents such as the US Constitution were based upon the Magna Carta.

What was the original purpose of the Crusades

To make Jerusalem a Christian city To drive Muslims out of Jerusalem.

To retake the Holy Land

Which was a consequence of the Crusades
  • An increase in trade
  • An increase in the power of popes
  • A weakening of the Byzantine Empire
Which effect did the Vikings have on European society

they returned Europe to a time of chaos

They rolled back the advances of Charlemagne.

They helped cause the rise of feudalism.

In what way were the Safavids different from the Ottomans

Safavids were Shiite, and Ottomans were Sunni.
Ottomans were Sunni, and Safavids were not

Which was true about medieval manors

Answer 1

Manors were agricultural estates, given to lords, usually by a king, in exchange for military and political support. Labor was provided by peasants who lived on the manors, in exchange for a place to live, fields to farm, and protection. A manor had a manor house, where the lord might live, though many lords had more than one manor. A manor usually included a small community, at least a hamlet, but more often a village, where the peasants and other laborers lived. If there was a village, the village had a church. There was usually a bakery, or at least someone, such as a miller, who baked bread. In addition, there could be other craftsmen on a manor, such as spinsters, weavers, potters, carpenters, and so on.

A permanent market place was the distinguishing feature of a town. A manor never or nearly never had a permanent market.

Answer 2

Peasants lived in a village outside the manor

Which describes Europe when Charlemagne took power




During the Middle Ages which two religions fought for control of Spain

Catholics and Muslims

What was an accomplishment of Oleg

Oleg merged the Viking and Slavic culture. He gained control of Kiev. He signed a commercial agreement with the Byzantines.

Why is what Mahalia Jackson did a great accomplishment

mahalia jackson greatest accomplishment was to become a great singer and never stoped what she is doingg..

What elements defined Ottoman art

Some elements that defined Ottoman art include:

Lack of human figures

Elaborate designs

What was not a common reason or Jewish migration in the middle ages

seeking riches

Which of the following was not a result of the plague

An Internet search of the question found a possible answer could be that once the plague ended, it never returned to Europe.

Without seeing the multiple choices that were offered in the test, you could answer with almost anything.


C. Respect for the Mongols

Which best describes feudal society

In a feudal society, serfs had to pay lords with crops

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What was the goal of the Crusades

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What was the goal of the Crusades

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What was the goal of the Crusades

Why is Jerusalem important to Muslims

What was the original purpose of the Crusades

Which was a consequence of the Crusades

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Middle Ages

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What was the goal of the Crusades

Why is Jerusalem important to Muslims

What was the original purpose of the Crusades

Who forced King John to sign the magna carta

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