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Nelle Bednar

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What is a vascular plant

Plants that have lignified tissues for conducting water, minerals, and photosynthetic.

What specialized tissues do vascular plants have that other plants do not

Vascular plants have tissues for moving water around.

What is the purpose of the specialized cells that produce strong odors from the corpse flower

Corpse flowers are pollinated by flies. The smell that is generated is used to attract the flies for pollination; much as nectar in other plants is used to attract bees and butterflies

What is the role of xylem in a vascular plant

Transports water and nutrients upwards

Which best describes a difference between prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells

Eukaryotic cells contain organelles that are enclosed in membranes

Which part of a green plant shows the greatest decrease in chloroplasts in the fall of the year

The leaves.

What type of stem cell can differentiate into most types of cells


What is a factor that determines whether molecule can cross a cell membrane

size/ polarity can be the factors

What is the role of phloem in a vascular plant Apex

A plant with tissues that carry water- Apex

What is meant by the following statement about the cell membrane The cell membrane is said to be semipermeable.

It is very selective about what it allows to pass through.

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What is a vascular plant

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What is a vascular plant

What specialized tissues do vascular plants have that other plants do not

What is the role of xylem in a vascular plant

What does a culture medium provide to a living cell

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