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Ethel Nitzsche

Lvl 10
2y ago
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What is the process of chemosynthesis

Chemosynthesis is a biological process that uses inorganic compounds (rather than sunlight as in photosynthesis) as the energy source to convert carbon compounds and nutrients into organic matter. This process is most often found at hydrothermal vents in the deep ocean, but it has also been found deep in caves all over the world.

Apex:Making food energy from ocean chemicals

What is the biggest disadvantage of using adult stem cells for medical treatments

They are not pluripotent.

When you eat a piece of bread you consume carbohydrates which part of the cell is reponsible for breaking down a carbohydrate for use by the body


Which theory did pasteur disprove by using boiled beef broth and a flask with s-shape tubing

spontaneous generation

Why can oxygen diffuse across a cell membrane but a protein cannot-

Proteins are to large or Oxygen is much smaller than a protein.

Which of the following contains the greatest number is totipotent stem cells

A fertilized egg

The cluster of developing cells from conception until birth is called an .


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7 cards

What is the process of chemosynthesis

What is the biggest disadvantage of using adult stem cells for medical treatments

When you eat a piece of bread you consume carbohydrates which part of the cell is reponsible for breaking down a carbohydrate for use by the body

Which theory did pasteur disprove by using boiled beef broth and a flask with s-shape tubing

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35 Reviews


7 cards

What is the process of chemosynthesis

What is the biggest disadvantage of using adult stem cells for medical treatments

When you eat a piece of bread you consume carbohydrates which part of the cell is reponsible for breaking down a carbohydrate for use by the body

Which theory did pasteur disprove by using boiled beef broth and a flask with s-shape tubing

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7 Reviews


7 cards

What is the process of chemosynthesis

What is the biggest disadvantage of using adult stem cells for medical treatments

When you eat a piece of bread you consume carbohydrates which part of the cell is reponsible for breaking down a carbohydrate for use by the body

Which theory did pasteur disprove by using boiled beef broth and a flask with s-shape tubing

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1 Review


8 cards

Why is the phloem in a leaf important to the roots of a plant

What are the flattened membranes in chloroplasts called

When you eat a piece of bread you consume carbohydrates which part of the cell is reponsible for breaking down a carbohydrate for use by the body

Which theory did pasteur disprove by using boiled beef broth and a flask with s-shape tubing

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10 cards

Why is the phloem in a leaf important to the roots of a plant

What does a culture medium provide to a living cell

Which structure is found mostly in green plants

Which is the biggest disadvantage of using adult stem cells for medical treatments

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