

Colonial America

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Karina Ernser

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Why was the colony of Jamestown established

To make money for the Virginia Company.

What was one result of the French and Indian War

Results of the French and Indian War, also known as the Seven Years War, included:

  • Increased taxes on the American colonists to pay for the war
  • England acquired the former French territories in Canada and owned all the land from the Atlantic Coast to the Mississippi river.
  • French from Acadia were expelled and migrated to Louisiana, forming the Cajun culture
  • settlement west of the Appalachian Mountains was forbidden by the Crown
  • England acquired formerly French territory in the Caribbean and in India.
  • King George III taxed American colonists to pay for the war.
  • King George III would not let colonists settle west of the Appalachian Mountains.
The last battle of the American Revolution

The battle of Yorktown. The French helped the Americans defeat the British, by lending them their navy.

One cause of the french and indian war was the movement of

one cause of the French and Indian war was the movement of

Results of French and Indian War

Cause of French Indian war

What was one negative result of the Columbian Exchange

Disease killed millions of Native Americans
The Columbian Exchange (the transfer of plants, animals, diseases, etc. between the old and new worlds) had both positive and negative impacts. For the native people in the Americas, the cumulative effect was negative.

One example is large groups of native peoples being wiped out by European diseases like smallpox.

How were the West African kingdoms involved in the slave trade

they sold other Africans to slave traders

The West African tribes, waged war with each other in order to raid and captured people from rival tribes which they then transported to the coast and sold to slave traders. It was a lucrative business for them and made the coastal tribes very rich and powerful.

Who captured the Africans who were sold in the Atlantic slave trade

West African slave traders

How did the Virginia Company make money from the colony at Jamestown

The Virginia Company made money from growing and selling tobacco.

Why did the colonists need artisans

They made items the colonists needed.

Where did Champlain finally establish a colony

In Quebec City, 1608.

Diaries letters and memoirs are good examples of what

primARY SOURCES. apex:)

Which of the following was a result of the French and Indian War

Apex ;) Britian controlled all the land from the Atlantic coast to the Mississippi River

What is a primary source

A record that is made during or right after an event

By the mid 1700s slaves in Virginia were

Private property, like farm animals.

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What was one result of the French and Indian War

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Results of French and Indian War

What was one negative result of the Columbian Exchange

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What was one result of the French and Indian War

What was the contract of work for passage to America

Results of French and Indian War

How were the West African kingdoms involved in the slave trade

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What was one result of the French and Indian War

What was the contract of work for passage to America

Results of French and Indian War

How were the West African kingdoms involved in the slave trade

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Why was the colony of Jamestown established

What was one result of the French and Indian War

Who captured the Africans who were sold in the Atlantic slave trade

How did an armed force of English colonists led by George Washington start a European war

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