

Industrial Revolution

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Norberto Hirthe

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Which factor was the most important cause of World War 1

The Human factor

Mary Wollstonecraft wrote A Vindication for the Rights of Woman as a response to

JeanJacques Rouseaus emile

What turn or change took place because of the American revolution

The change that took place was the independence of the United States.

Which of the following describes a similarity between industrialization in Japan and the US

both countries experienced rapid urbanization following industrialization

How did european imperialism in india differ from european imperialism in china during the 8th and 19th centuries

Europeans took almost absolute control over India's government, but focused only on securing trading rights in China

What was a major difference between China's and Ethiopia's resistance to domination by European imperial powers during the late 19th century

Ethiopia's resistance was successful, while China's was put down by foreign troops.

Which statement best summarizes both the rise of capitalism and growing criticism of the system during the 19th century

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Capitalism developed as a remedy for the overregulation of economies, but it was criticized for mostly benefiting the wealthy.

How did labor forces change in countries affected by the Industrial Revolution

Laborers who had previously worked on farms transitioned to working in factories. Cities became a source of poverty, illness and lacked housing due to the transient volumes

What statement best summarizes the outcome of the Haitian Revolution

f ni

What was one of the major consequences of the Haitian Revolution

the Haitian economy was crippled as a result of wartime damage to farms and industries

What effect did the mandate system have on national borders after world war i

The Allied Powers took control of territory in the former Ottoman Empire.

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Which factor was the most important cause of World War 1

Mary Wollstonecraft wrote A Vindication for the Rights of Woman as a response to

What turn or change took place because of the American revolution

Which of the following describes a similarity between industrialization in Japan and the US

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Which factor was the most important cause of World War 1

Mary Wollstonecraft wrote A Vindication for the Rights of Woman as a response to

What turn or change took place because of the American revolution

Which of the following describes a similarity between industrialization in Japan and the US

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Which factor was the most important cause of World War 1

Mary Wollstonecraft wrote A Vindication for the Rights of Woman as a response to

What turn or change took place because of the American revolution

Which of the following describes a similarity between industrialization in Japan and the US

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What was the Mao Zedong

What turn or change took place because of the American revolution

What do supporters of free trade say

How are Golda Meir and Margaret Thatcher similar

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What enlightenment philosopher had the most impact on American founders

Which of the following describes a similarity between industrialization in Japan and the US

How can globalization during the Industrial Revolution be traced to the steam engine

Which of these was a key motivation behind European imperialism in the 18th and 19th centuries

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