

US Constitution

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Violette Cummerata

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Cards in this guide (17)
How many judges serve on the US Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces


What offices is classified under the executive branch


What is the primary difference between district courts and federal courts

District courts hear cases on topics assigned to them by Congress, and federal courts hear cases regarding constitutional law and treaties.

Which section of the Judiciary Act of 1789 gives the federal judiciary the authority to overrule state court decisions on issues relating to the Constitution federal law and treaties

Section 25

What describes powers not specifically listed in the US Constitution but that are necessary in order for the President to fulfill his or her duties

These are called inherent powers. They are provided for in the Constitution by what is known as the "elastic clause."

Where do the cases heard by the US court of appeals originate

lower district courts

Who must approve all nominations for district judges


As of 2011 how many federal district courts were presented in the United states


What is a criterion for an individual to become president as stated by Article II Section 1 of the Constitution

He or she must be a "natural born citizen"

In which congressional act did congress exercise its power to create a federal court system

It was the judiciary act of 1789.

How many judges serve on the US court of Federal claims

16 :)

Of the following terms which best describes the 12-month period used by a government or business for purposes of financial management

fiscal year

In 1278 required local nobility to provide written proof of their land holdings

statue of gloucester

What of the following have helped shape the American judicial system

We don't have the list, but the constitution helped shape the judicial branch.

Which branch of government does the supreme court judges belong


Which of the following is not included in the supreme courts original jurisdiction

cases in which the president appoints the attorney

What is the term limit for a Supreme Court justice

No limit

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