

US Constitution

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Deon Jast

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Who were Minutemen

Minutemen were members of teams of select men from the American colonial militia during the American Revolutionary War. They provided a highly mobile, rapidly deployed force that allowed the colonies to respond immediately to threats (hence the name). The Minutemen were among the first people to fight in the American Revolution. These teams constituted about a fourth of the entire militia, and generally were the younger and more mobile, serving as part of a network for early response. Minuteman and Sons of Liberty member Paul Revere spread the news that "the Redcoats are coming." Paul Revere was captured before completing his mission when the British marched towards the arsenal in Lexington and Concord to collect the weapons stored there.

What president nickname was father of your country

George Washington is referred to as the Father of Our Country.

The Celts fled to Ireland with the invasion of the


Which of these is not related to nullification

shay's rebellion...

Which of these men was the author of the Albany Plan of Union

ben Franklin!bruh bruh

Which man was most closely associated with the Declaration of Independence

thomas Jefferson

Which of these is incorrectly matched with regard to the Compromise of 1850

the slave trade would be abolished in the District of Columbia. this was a concession for the south.

What answer best describes a macro view

The big picture is what best describes a Macro View.

What did most conservative Republicans believe about the First New Deal

they believed the new deal was a move toward socialism and gave the government too much control

How would you describe the concept in a diagram for The Congress House of Representatives and US Senate

a plan that provides for the fair representation of both small and large states.
A plan that provides fair representation for both small and large states.

Which of these items is closest to form of government under the articles of confederation

virgina plan

Which man served as chief justice of the United states supreme court

which man served as chief justice of the united states supreme court

Which of these items are incorrectly matched john c calhoun states rights Hartford convention war of 1812 thomas Jefferson Virginia resolution Benjamin Franklin doctrine of nullifica

Benjamin Franklin - doctrine of nullification

Which is not related to events surrounding the Hartford convention

opposition to the power of the New England states

Which of these men uttered the words peace in your time

neville chamberlain A+

Which of these men most closely related to the specie circular

Andrew Jackson

Which of these was known as the great compromise-

The Great Compromise combined these two plans creating our current legislature with two houses, one based on population and elected by the people.

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Who were Minutemen

Which of these men was the author of the Albany Plan of Union

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Who were Minutemen

Who had the most political power under the articles of confederation

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The Celts fled to Ireland with the invasion of the

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Who had the most political power under the articles of confederation

The Celts fled to Ireland with the invasion of the

Which of these is not related to nullification

Which of these men was the author of the Albany Plan of Union

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