

Meteorology and Weather

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Nathen Hegmann

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2y ago
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What lies along the subtropical jet stream

High or low pressure lies along the subtropical jet stream, depending on the time of year. The pressure gradient follows the path of the jet stream.

Which process removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere

There are several. The main ones are:

  • Photosynthesis
  • Carbonate formation
  • Dissolution of carbon dioxide into seawater
Put the steps of the nitrogen cycle in order starting with the step that removes nitrogen from the atmosphere

N2 molecules break apart via nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Other living entities such as plants and animals ingest nitrogen in nitrate-containing compounds. Organic matter decays via decomposers.

N2 is formed via denitrifying bacteria.

A hamburger sizzles on a frying pan

A hamburger sizzles on a frying pan as a result of conduction.

Is the Intertropical Convergence Zone also known as the doldrums

Question: The doldrums happen in a zone known as the what?

Answer: intertropical convergence zone

What layer in the atmosphere has the highest temperature


When your hand melts a snowball What type of heat transfer is it an example of


What is the proximity of bodies of water in temperate climates

It is the distance is between bodies of water in temperate climates, or one's proximity, or 'closeness,' to the bodies of water.

What is the difference of the causes between a sea breeze and a land breeze

The only difference - is the direction of flow. A sea breeze blows from the sea onto the land. A land breeze flows in the opposite direction.

Which has the lowest albedo

A blacktop highway

What of following causes tornadoes

coo,dy air meeting warm, moist air

What statement is true about true of jet streams

The polar jet stream is generally stronger than the subtropical jet stream

Which statement is true of jet streams

The polar jet stream lies between the polar easterlies and trade winds

which is not part of the recipe for a thunderstorm to form

A cold front advancing

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What lies along the subtropical jet stream

Which process removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere

Put the steps of the nitrogen cycle in order starting with the step that removes nitrogen from the atmosphere

A hamburger sizzles on a frying pan

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Is the saying the higher the clouds the better the weather true

What method of forecasting uses the effects of past weather conditions as part of its forecasting method

Put the steps of the nitrogen cycle in order starting with the step that removes nitrogen from the atmosphere

A hamburger sizzles on a frying pan

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Is the saying the higher the clouds the better the weather true

What method of forecasting uses the effects of past weather conditions as part of its forecasting method

A hamburger sizzles on a frying pan

Which layer of the atmosphere contains the ionosphere and what are the ionosphere's characteristics

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Which process removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere

The layer of the atmosphere with the highest temperature is the

The layer of the atmosphere with the lowest temperature is the

What is a name for a front that spirals counter clockwise in the nothern hemisphere

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What happens in a stationary front

What usually accompanies a cold spell in Minnesota

In the Northern Hemisphere the Coriolis effect makes winds

Put the steps of the nitrogen cycle in order starting with the step that removes nitrogen from the atmosphere

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