

Colonial America

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Emie Howe

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2y ago
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What was the purpose of the Jamestown colony

The original purpose of the Jamestown colony was to make money for the Virginia Company.

What was one result of the French and Indian War

Results of the French and Indian War, also known as the Seven Years War, included:

  • Increased taxes on the American colonists to pay for the war
  • England acquired the former French territories in Canada and owned all the land from the Atlantic Coast to the Mississippi river.
  • French from Acadia were expelled and migrated to Louisiana, forming the Cajun culture
  • settlement west of the Appalachian Mountains was forbidden by the Crown
  • England acquired formerly French territory in the Caribbean and in India.
  • King George III taxed American colonists to pay for the war.
  • King George III would not let colonists settle west of the Appalachian Mountains.
Houses in Colonial America were most often made of which material

Wood was the most common material in colonial times.

Where did Columbus think he was on the 33rd day of his journey

The Indian Sea

Why is chronological thinking a good skill to have

To put in order and find connections between them.

Objects such as wool blankets and skills such as horsemanship among Plains Indian tribes are examples of the Columbian Exchange causing what

Objects such as wool blankets and skills such as horsemanship among plains Indian Tribes are examples of the Colombian exchange causing cultural changes.
Cultural Change
cultural change

What settlements was best known for cash crop farming


Which groups main focus in the new world was to profit from the fur trade

The french

Slaves were brought from Africa to help grow which crop

All crops. To plant rice in Georgia, to grow / pick cotton, to built roads and levies, to harvest sugar, to grow tobacco, to work in houses, raise the white planters children, to dig the ditches, and to do or make what they were told to do. They were property.

Which of these is a modern day result of the Spanish colonization of the Americas

Most people south of the United States still speak Spanish

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What was the purpose of the Jamestown colony

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