

Native American History

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Coty Bernier

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What was one result of the French and Indian War

Results of the French and Indian War, also known as the Seven Years War, included:

  • Increased taxes on the American colonists to pay for the war
  • England acquired the former French territories in Canada and owned all the land from the Atlantic Coast to the Mississippi river.
  • French from Acadia were expelled and migrated to Louisiana, forming the Cajun culture
  • settlement west of the Appalachian Mountains was forbidden by the Crown
  • England acquired formerly French territory in the Caribbean and in India.
  • King George III taxed American colonists to pay for the war.
  • King George III would not let colonists settle west of the Appalachian Mountains.
Houses in Colonial America were most often made of which material

Wood was the most common material in colonial times.

What did British colonists want to do during the European wars of the 1700s

The British Colonists in America were sympathetic to Britain in the 1700's, but they provided only limited moral support. Remember that the colonists had left Britain in seeking a better opportunity and relief from the interminable British-French wars, so they basically stayed away.

According to his report what did the native people think about Columbus

They believed that he and his men were gods, sent from heaven.

What is pre-columbian a term used to describe

It's a term to describe the America's before they were discovered by Columbus in 1492

How did George Washington get into the second continentil congrees

He was elected for the 1st and 2nd continental congress

Pre-Columbian is a term used to describe

Answer this question

Conditions in North and South America before 1492. …

What settlements was best known for cash crop farming


Which term describes the idea that historical events shape the way people view themselves

History as common memory

Chronological thinking is when you

Put events in sequence and make connections based on continuity and change

Which of the best explains the historical skill of connecting the past and the present

Understanding how history has affected the lives of people today. apex 1.1.2

The stories and beliefs about the past that create a shared culture in a community are known as

history as common memory

What were some European influences on the eastern woodland tribe

Eastern woodland same as eastern native americans

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