

US Constitution

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Rusty Hahn

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What clause states that the Constitution will be the supreme law of the land

Article VI, Clause 2 (the Supremacy Clause) states the US Constitution and federal laws and treaties made in accordance with the Constitution are the supreme law of the land.

Gerald Ford was the only person to ever serve as President and Vice President without being elected by the people


What is two rights in the Declaration of Independence

As the Declaration of Independence states:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness"

What institution was established under Article III of the Constitution

The Judiciary Branch

Under which category does this Constitutional Amendment fall No lodging troops in private homes in peace time

Protection from the Federal Government.

How many members serve in the United States Senate

100, 2 from each state, make up the United States Senate.

Under which category does this constitutional amendment fall the procedure to fill a vacancy in the vice presidency

Under which category does this Constitutional Amendment fall?

procedure to fill a vacancy in the vice presidency

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Which house of Congress has its number of members determined by population

How many amendments are included in the Bill of Rights

What clause states that the Constitution will be the supreme law of the land

What was the First state to ratify the constitution in 1787

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What kind of due process means that the rule of the law will be obeyed

The President acts as the Commander in Chief of the armed forces

Which Amendment forbids the housing of troops in private homes

Which event occurred second in the Ratification process

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Who are the two united state senators

What was the First state to ratify the constitution in 1787

The President acts as the Commander in Chief of the armed forces

What kind of duties are fulfilled when a governor calls the state House of Representatives and Senate into a special session

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The President acts as the Commander in Chief of the armed forces

What did the Federalists propose that the Constitution should be ratified by rather than by the state legislatures

Senators elected by the people extended the right to vote to women

James Madison and Alexander Hamilton were leaders of which group

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