

US Constitution

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Elyse Daniel

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What is the purpose of the electoral college

The purpose of the electoral college is to elect the president and vice-president of the United States. It is made up of the electors from each state. They do not actually meet as a body, but send their votes to the President of the Senate.

What does a platform committee do

developed policy statements

Which president was forced to resign from office because of a scandal

Richard M Nixon, in 1974

Why did congress create an expanded federal court system

whoever wrote 1978 by itself, then you're just stupid.

What is one way that Congress used normal legislation to affect the executive branch of government

Congress set up agencies, departments, an offices


Who support was important in getting Virginia to ratify the constitution

George Washington

Which party system is most common in a dictatorship

one party system
*Which party system is most common in a dictatorship?

A. Multiparty System

B. Bipartisan System

C. One-Party System

D. Two- Party System

Which is not a characteristic of a multiparty system

Multiparty systems allow for variation in political discourse, and often tries to unite them all in policy decisions, or at least to make decisions with the majority in mind. Multiparty systems do have one leader, but he or she typically gets input from many other people.

Which is not a sound practice to use for conducting interviews which is the fourth step of a scientific poll

conducting in person interviews and telephone interviews in the same poll -novanet:)

Which of the following is an example of a concurrent power or responsibility

chartering banks and corporations

When did Overseas Absentee Voting Act happen

Overseas Absentee Voting Act happened in 2003.

It is important to political leader to understand public opinion because public pinion

It is important because leaders will be accountable for their deeds during public opinions.

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What is the purpose of the electoral college

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What is the purpose of the electoral college

What did the 18th amendment prohibit when it was ratified in 1919

Why did congress create an expanded federal court system

What is one way that Congress used normal legislation to affect the executive branch of government

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