

US Constitution

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Adolfo Adams

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Cards in this guide (13)
How can the president make treaties and appoint ambassadors

The president can negotiate treaties, but they must be ratified by the senate to go into effect. He can appoint ambassadors, and they also must be approved by the senate.

What is the highest subgroup for classifying organisms

Kingdom is the highest subgroup for classifying organisms.

What causes animals to hibernate or migrate


Why is Latin used for the scientific names of organisms

All scientists recognize this language.

What name was given to Carl Linnaeus's system for classifying organisms

binomial nomenclature

What means to group things according to a system

to classify

Which control system is a protective coloration that causes living things to blend into their background


How are the leaders of each presidential cabinet selected

appointed by the president

When the office of the president was first developed how was the vice president selected

a war

What Is the best term for the annual statement detailing financial proposals for funding the policies of the nation


What amendment gives the president the authority to name a new vice president should the office become vacant


The power of veto is which type of power of the nation's executive branch


Which of the following terms represents a person or group of people responsible for enacting the country's laws


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How can the president make treaties and appoint ambassadors

What is the highest subgroup for classifying organisms

What causes animals to hibernate or migrate

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What is the highest subgroup for classifying organisms

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US Presidents

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How can the president make treaties and appoint ambassadors

What is the specific name given to organisms

What causes animals to hibernate or migrate

Which type of organism is commonly known as pond scum

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