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Yes, it is possible to get pregnant directly after menstruation. If your cycle is especially short you may ovulate the day after your period, certainly you may be fertile during this time so could fall pregnant.

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When engaging in sex there is always the risk of getting pregnant ...

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Q: Can you get pregnant the day after your menstruation goes off even if your not ovulating at that time?
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Does menstruation start after conceive?

Conceive refers to an egg being fertilized, which then goes on to implant which means that a woman is pregnant. If a woman is pregnant then she will not menstruate, menstruation only occurs if conception doesn't occur.

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yes it is very normal. when you are ovulating or pregnant, your basal temperature goes up. you're fine (:

Pain in the breasts?

Could be either you are ovulating, are pregnant or have some kind of infection. If it is too unbearable and goes on for days, see the doctor.

Can a woman have a period if they can't get pregnant?

Yes, it is possible for a woman to have a period even if she cannot get pregnant. Menstruation is the shedding of the uterine lining and does not necessarily indicate fertility. Factors such as hormonal levels and overall reproductive health can impact a woman's ability to conceive, but do not necessarily affect her menstrual cycle.

Does sperm run out of you after he goes inside of you?

It can... and even if it feels like it "all" came out ... you still can get pregnant.

When does menstruation usually end?

Yes. When a woman goes through menopause, her menstruation will end. The average age for menopause is in the early 50's.

When your girl is not on her period can she get pregnant?

Yes, although it is biologically impossible to get pregnant during menstruation, a woman can get pregnant as a result of sex during menstruation. Let me explain... During menstruation a woman will not ovulate, however if a womans menstrual cycle is short she may be producing fertile quality cervical mucus during menstruation. This mucus protects sperm in the vagina and helps it to swim up through the cervical opening to reach the fallopian tubes, where it can lay in weight for the egg during ovulation - sperm can survive up to a week in these conditions, by which time menstruation could stop and she could ovulate. If sexually active you should always use birth control, unless you use fertility awareness methods you have no way of knowing when a woman is fertile or not.

How long after a boy goes through puberty can he get a girl pregnant?

It depends on how nourished you are. If you have lots of nourishment as in healthy food from when you were born to the normal time a young man hits puberty (12-15) And i Young woman can get pregnant as soon as she starts menstruation (a.k.a Her period)

If a female has the menstruation for 3 months what is wrong with her?

The only thing I can really say, being a woman as well, is to see your doctor. It is recommended to see a doctor if menstruation goes on for 21 days. Also, if there are other symptoms that coincide with the female's menstruation, then they should definitely have it checked out.

Does a girl get pregnant after period if intercourse was before period.later that person got pregnant.was that due to that sex before period or she should have had sex with someone else after period.?

If you have sex two days before your period you are more than likely pregnant. Sperm last about three days in a females body. So,I'm pretty sure that you are pregnant because you are also ovulating before and after your period comes on and at the end of the cycle when it goes off

If a penis goes in your butt will you be pregnant?

yes if not how else do you think you could get pregnant