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It can take anywhere from days to 18 months for your period to return after stopping Depo Provera. Taking the Birth Control pill doesn't change that timing -- the birth control pill doesn't "jump start" or "regulate" your period after stopping Depo Provera. Remember that you can get pregnant before your period restarts, so if you don't want to conceive right now, get on an effective method of birth control.

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I was put on loestrin to try to get rid of ovarian cysts before trying to conceive. I have been on loestrin for 3 months continuously(no placebo) and just got the O.K. from my doctor that the cysts are gone and I can stop the pill. How long does it usually take to start a period again?

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Q: When do you get your period after changing from Depo-Provera to the birth control pill and stopping the pill?
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How long does it take to start your period after stopping the depoprovera injections?

After the last shot of Depo Provera, it can take over 6 months for the drug to leave the body.But you should start another form of birth control after 6-12 weeks after your last shot.

How can you make your period less heavy?

Use DepoProvera

No period after depo can I get pregnant?

Depoprovera will not make you pregnant for months.

What period is the actual regular period not because of stopping birth control?

It varies, about 28 days.

Can you get your period earlier by stopping your birth control pills now?

Yes. I do that sometimes.

Can changing different kinds of birth control cause your period to start early?

It's possible that changing birth control pills will change the timing of your next period.

Why black period after stopping taking birth control pill?

After either changing or stopping with the use of birth control pills, it is quite common to have a result such as brown or even darker period. It is normal, the experts say, mostly due to uteral lining, which stopped being thick as it was prior to taking birth control pills. No reason to worry as long as the visits to the doctor are regular and pills aren't taken without proper physical exam

Got off birth control at the end of April and have not had a period in a month in a half?

Depending on the type of birth control and how long you were taking it before stopping it can take up to 18 months for your cycles to return to normal. I personally was on depoprovera for 2 years after my first child and after stopping did not menstruate for 13 months afterwords. Later I went back on depo for about a year and it took six months for my periods to begin again after stopping that time. If you are sexually active you should probably take a pregnancy test every two months until your periods begin again as you will ovulate about 2 weeks before your first period and could conceive at that time without realizing it.

Why did you get your period 2 days after stopping your pill?

That's normal. Just as stopping the active pills (typically after three weeks) leads to period-like withdrawal bleeding, stopping your birth control pills at any time in the cycle may lead to period-like withdrawal bleeding.

Is it normal to have a period for 3 days when you just got off birth control?

A short period is common when stopping hormonal birth control. Your regular period should return in four to six weeks.

Is is normal to miss your period a month after stopping birth control?

Your first period after stopping birth control pills will normally arrive in 4-6 weeks. If your periods were irregular before you went on the pill, they're likely to return quickly to their previous irregular pattern.

Can stopping the birth control patch cause your period to be brown or black?

Yes, you can expect an unusual period the first one or two times you bleed after stopping the patch. Your subsequent period will probably be more like those you had before you started the patch.