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It ended in 1889

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Q: 2 What year did French Colonial Power end in Vietnam?
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What country controlled Vietnam until the late 1950's?

France took over Vietnam 1895 and lost control to Germany when France was invaded by Germany in WWII. Germany then transferred control of Vietnam to Japan, their ally at the time. Even though Japan ruled Vietnam, French colonial rulers kept their power and were overseen by the Japanese. The Japanese did not have nearly enough manpower to rule Vietnam. When Japan surrendered in 1945, French colonial rulers attempted a rebellion against the Japanese, but were crushed. Many of the French fled or were imprisoned. The Japanese rule was very weak and was taken over by the Viet Minh (Vietnamese nationalist group) in the same year. The French wanted to retake control of Vietnam and started negotiations with the Viet Minh. All talks failed and war was declared the following year. This war is famously known as The First Indochina War. After many years the French lost and Vietnam was independent. Vietnam's rulers: 1895-1940 France, 1940-1945 Japan, 1945-1954 Vietnam independent, but warring with French over control.

What year were french forces forced out of Vietnam by communist forces?

September 1945

What year was pho made in?

It was said to originate in Vietnam around the Mid-1950s after the defeat of the French.

Who rules Vietnam?

Hard to say after 1945, the French suppose to rule Vietnam. But the French is too weak after World War 2 so the British India had to support the French thus Great Britain ruled Vietnam for a year. The Viet Minh lead by Ho Chi Minh also fight for the control of the country. The Japanese surrendered in 1945 but their official still held the French as P.O.W. and taught the Viet Minh how to fight until they are ordered to go back. So I would say the Allies ruled Vietnam while constantly under attack by the Vietnamese Communist Party.

What year did President Eisenhower take us into war in Vietnam?

Eisenhower had US personnel present in South Vietnam to help the transition of French withdrawal in 1954; when they were gone, he promptly dispatched US troops to bolster South Vietnamese defenses in 1955.

Related questions

What country controlled Vietnam until the late 1950's?

France took over Vietnam 1895 and lost control to Germany when France was invaded by Germany in WWII. Germany then transferred control of Vietnam to Japan, their ally at the time. Even though Japan ruled Vietnam, French colonial rulers kept their power and were overseen by the Japanese. The Japanese did not have nearly enough manpower to rule Vietnam. When Japan surrendered in 1945, French colonial rulers attempted a rebellion against the Japanese, but were crushed. Many of the French fled or were imprisoned. The Japanese rule was very weak and was taken over by the Viet Minh (Vietnamese nationalist group) in the same year. The French wanted to retake control of Vietnam and started negotiations with the Viet Minh. All talks failed and war was declared the following year. This war is famously known as The First Indochina War. After many years the French lost and Vietnam was independent. Vietnam's rulers: 1895-1940 France, 1940-1945 Japan, 1945-1954 Vietnam independent, but warring with French over control.

What year were french forces forced out of Vietnam by communist forces?

September 1945

In what year did the French relinquish their colony in Vietnam?

When the French were routed at Dien Bien Phu, on May 7th, 1954, they lost control of Vietnam. French influence is still widely felt throughout Vietnamese society.

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What year was pho made in?

It was said to originate in Vietnam around the Mid-1950s after the defeat of the French.

What year did the US send economic aid to french forces in Vietnam?

US sent military aid to France in 1940 to help them take over Vietnam.

What year did south Vietnam began to fight north Vietnam?

Combat, mostly guerrilla warfare, commenced in 1954 and 1955. The rival factions of North Vietnam and South Vietnam were officially partitioned by the UN in 1956, although this was intended to be a temporary agreement in the aftermath of the French withdrawal from their former colony (French Indochina).

How did 19 year old Norodom Sihanouk become king?

The colonial French encouraged Sihanouk'sselection as king in 1941

What year did France regain control over Vietnam?

They never regained control after the Vietnam War. The French pulled out of the war in 1955-1956, leaving America to pick up the pieces.

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Vietnam declared independence in 1940 hahahahaha?

Japan surrendered to the allies ending WW2 in 1945; Japan departed Vietnam the same year. Vietnam declared its independence from France in 1945. Vietnam was occupied by Japan during WW2, but it had been a French colony for more than a century prior.

How long did the french colonize Vietnam?

France colonized the whole of Vietnam in 1855 after the Sino-French War.