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Q: Identify the Vice President who succeeded Abraham Lincoln?
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Who serve as president after James Buchanan?

Abraham Lincoln succeeded Buchanan.

Which of these men was the Vice President who succeeded Abraham Lincoln?

Andrew Johnson

Who served as president immedietely after James Buchanan?

Abraham Lincoln succeeded Buchanan.

Who did john wilks booth plan to kill?

John Wilkes Boothe planned on, and succeeded in, killing Union president Abraham Lincoln.

Which President did Andrew Johnson succeed?

Andrew Johnson succeeded Abraham Lincoln, after Lincoln was assassinated in 1865.

What is Abraham Lincoln succeeded by?

Assuming you need to know who became president after Lincoln was assassinated, Andrew Johnson was Lincoln's Vice President. When Lincoln was killed, Johnson took over.

Who succeeded Lincoln as a president?

The person who became President after Lincoln was shot was the Vice President, Andrew Johnson.

Who was the President during Abraham Lincoln's presidency?

Abraham Lincoln was the president when Abraham Lincoln was the president.

Who succeeeded Abraham Lincoln as president?

James Buchanan, Jr. (15thPresident of the United States), hence Abraham Lincoln was the (16th President of the United States).

Who were the two following presidents after president Lincoln?

Andrew Johnson succeeded Abraham Lincoln after Lincoln was killed in 1865. At the next election in 1868, Ulysses S. Grant was elected president.

What US President did Andrew Johnson succeed?

Andrew Johnson succeeded President Abraham Lincoln on April 15, 1865, following Lincoln's assassination by John Wilkes Booth.

Who is the only president to marry?

The only president to remain a bachelor was James Buchanan, who held office from 1857 to 1861. He was succeeded by Abraham Lincoln.