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To be Aryan did not necessarily mean you had to have blonde hair & blue eyes. This interpretation of Aryan is a postwar pop-culture myth. Everyone knew what Hitler looked like. Very few of the top Nazi leaders had blonde hair & blue eyes. Even among the people of Norway & Sweden, blonde hair & blue eyes are not the majority.

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Mostly nothing. Hitler did not single out such people personally

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Q: What happened to the people Hitler saw had no blue eyes and blonde hair?
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Why did Hitler's super race have blonde hair and blue eyes and he did not?

The Aryans was not just blonde hair blue eyed people that was just propaganda and the ideal look, Hitler did have blue eyes.

What did Hitler believe about German people and other members of the Aryan race?

When he grew a pair...Oh wait that was never

Who did Hitler not exterminate in the concentration camps?

he did not exterminate people with blonde hair and blue eyes

Did Hitler's mother have blond hair and blue eyes?

Of course he did! He invaded Poland, those people all have blonde hair and blue eyes. He invaded Norway, France, and Russia, whose population has lots of people with blue eyes and blonde hair. Also, his bitter enemy was the British, and it is known that the Anglo-Saxons often have blonde hair and blue eyes. The myth that Hitler cared about people with blonde hair and blue eyes is a bigot's device used by those who happened to hate people of that description. Hitler, like all leaders during war, cared about his own Germans, and not hair or eye color. It must be noted--There was never a "White Supremacy" element to the Nazi (Socialist) party.

Why did Hitler want everyone to look a certain way?

Hitler wanted his people to be of Aryan race, with blonde hair and blue eyes.

What skin color and hair color did Hitler consider his master race?

People with Blonde Hair and Blue eyes were favoured by Hitler and therefore not kileld by him.

How is Hitler full of contradiction?

Hitler wanted a 'Perfect Germany' meaning people with blue eyes and blonde hair, yet he had none of those features

What was peoples opinions about Hitler ruling Germany?

Some people's opinion was that he was out of order because he said that only people with blue eyes and blonde hair was aloud to be apart of the nazi Germany but he didn't have blonde hair or blue eyes.

What are some of the things Hitler believed?

Hitler believed in Communism.Only people with blonde hair and blue eyes were beautiful.Jewish, Handicapped, Disabled and Gypsies should be executed.

Who did Hitler believe were true Germans?

Anyone blonde and blue-eyed.

Who were the 'Arayians'?

they were the group of people whom hitler believed was the generic hybrid. these were the people with blonde hair and blue eyes. hitler did all he could to wipe out the jews and futher the expansion of the arayan race.

Did Hitler actually want a race of all blonde hair blue-eyed people or is that a myth?

Hitler himself did not actually say that he wanted 'a race of all blonde haired and blue-eyed people' ... According to Hitler's Table Talk he found Himmler's preoccupation with blond hair and blue eyes faintly ridiculous and cranky.In other words, there were people around him who took this desperately seriously and he did not reject or criticize it in public so it it can't be dismissed as a 'myth'.