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== == That was The Fugitive Slave Act.

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Q: What law did the Southerners demanded that Congress pass that said Northerners had to return runaway slaves to their owners?
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How do the southerners feel about the fugitive slave act?

The Fugitive Slave Act forced those who lived in northern states or any who supported abolition, to send runaway slaves back to their owners in an effort to maintain peace between the north and south. So the view of the southerners was that the act MUST be enforced and their slaves returned to them.

Why was the question of whether to allow slavery in the territories of the US such an important issue for the northerners and southerners?

The issue of slavery was important to northerners because that meant they could catch runaway laves and they could get a reward for it. it was also important for the southerners because that meant that the money they spent on them was a partial waste.

How was the Compromise of 1850 similar to the fugitive slave act?

The Fugitive Slave act was part of the Compromise of 1850. The compromise of 1850 said any new states would be free states as long as they passed the fugitive slave act. This act made Northerners turn in runaway slaves.

Why didn't the northerners support the fugitive slave act?

It protected the Southern slave owners' property rights. Often once a slave ran to a Northern state the slave would begin a new life in the north.... and Slave owners would find it very hard to go to the north and get their former slaves and bring them back home, even if they knew where they were. This new federal law stated that the local Northern laws must help assist the slave owner in capturing a known runaway.

How did the compromise of 1850 affect the abolitionist movement?

Congress had to appease the South by appointing official slave-catchers to hunt down runaway slaves. This caused an emotive reaction in the North, and brought many more recruits to the Abolitionist movement.

Related questions

What part of the Compromise of 1850 pleased Northerners the most and which part pleased the southerners?

Northerners were most pleased that California was admitted as a free state. The south was pleased that the fugitive slave act REQUIRED assistance in capturing runaway slaves or face imprisonment.

What act required northerners to capture runaway slaves?

The Fugitive Slave Law.

What did southerners believe gave them the right to retrieve runaway slaves?

Its because in 1850 congress passed the Fugative Slave Act, which stated that all slave owners had the right to retrieve run away slaves.

How did the fugitive slave act start?

== == The Fugitive Slave Law required Northern citizens to help catch escaped slaves. But many Northerners hated the law as much as they hated slavery. They ignored it from the time it was passed by Congress. In this way, the Fugitive Slave Law increased the tension between Northerners and Southerners.

How do the southerners feel about the fugitive slave act?

The Fugitive Slave Act forced those who lived in northern states or any who supported abolition, to send runaway slaves back to their owners in an effort to maintain peace between the north and south. So the view of the southerners was that the act MUST be enforced and their slaves returned to them.

What describes the position of the most northerners towards slavery?

Some states passed personal liberty laws for runaway slaves.

Why did many northerns oppose the fugitive slave act and why did most white southerners support it?

many northerners opposed the fugitive slave act because it forced regular citizens to help capture runaway slaves whether they wanted to or not. most white southerners supported it because they considered the slaves to be property. :Dp.s. i tried to find the answer to this question on this website then i actually looked in my text book and found it.! so i decided to share my answer with everyone! NO PROBLEM! :)

What two parts of the Compromise of 1850 appealed most to Northerners?

Northerners were most pleased that California was admitted as a free state. The south was pleased that the fugitive slave act REQUIRED assistance in capturing runaway slaves or face imprisonment.

Why did Northerners oppose the Fugitive Slave Act?

Northerners opposed the Fugitive Slave Act because it required them to cooperate in the capture and return of runaway slaves, even if they were located in free states. Many Northerners viewed the act as a violation of states' rights and as a way to enforce slavery in territories where it was not supported. Additionally, some Northerners opposed the act on moral grounds, believing that it was unjust to send free individuals back into slavery.

Why did northerners support runaway slaves?

Because they reacted badly to the Fugitive Slave Act, which turned every citizen into an unpaid slave-catcher. And they had read 'Uncle Tom's Cabin', which was written as a protest against it. That novel had drawn attention to the Underground Railroad, the safe-house system that smuggled runawayslaves into Canada.

What action by congress required Americans to return to runaway slaves to their owners?

The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 required Americans to return runaway slaves to their owners.

Which action by congress required American to return runaway slaves to their?

the fugitive slave law