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Pres. Eisenhower, former clerk of Gen. MacAuther who said "the U.S. should not get involved in a land war in Asia." Ike was advised by some of the joint chiefs to enter the war along with the French in order to secure Camron Bay that was later (after the Nam war) used by Russia as a sub base. Jobs! Ike told them "we do not need Camron Bay." Kennedy said Nam was a civil war, not U.S. biz ;then was assassinated. Johnson took over and expanded the U.S. roll in the Asian theater.

AnswerThe U.S. was involved from way back. In WWII, the U.S. promised a young nationalist leader that in return for his help against the Japanese, they would help Vietnam achieve independence from French colonialism after the war was over. That promise was broken, and the French re-occupied Indochina. The war for Independence started, and although it was French troops that bore the brunt of the fighting against what was perceived to be communism, most of the costs for the French forces were paid by the U.S. gov't. It was only after the great French defeat in 1954 when the French said they needed more money to continue, did the U.S. cut off their funds.

We fought over the way the government in Vietnam was being run. They had communism which means if someone needed something in Vietnam like food or money, it was given to them.

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Q: Why did the US not get involved in the Vietnam situation at first to help the French but decided to fight later?
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The First Indochina War or the French-Indocina War.

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The U.S. sent funding and military support to French forces in Vietnam starting in 1950. By 1961 the US had military advisors stationed in Vietnam. The US did not become fully involved as a military force until 1965. The French fought for roughly 11 years prior to that. There is also the point that there have been military actions between North and South Vietnam hundreds of years before the French became involved.144 days????

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The French war came first (1946-1954).

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{| |- | The US involvement in Vietnam began in the 60's. The French had been involved in the war for a long time. Vietnam War went forward for a decade. |}

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