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Western Roman Empire and Eastern Roman Empire are terms which have been coined by historians. The Romans did not have them and used only one term: Roman Empire. Historian use the term to indicate the western and eastern part of the Roman Empire.

Emperor Diocletian created a co-emperorship with fellow general Maximian in 286. Diocletian was in charge of the east and Maximian was in charge of the west. Nicomedia (in northwestern Turkey) was designated the imperial capital for the east and Milan was designated the imperial capital for the west. This was not a splitting of the Roman Empire. It was an administrative arrangement designed to improve the defence vast frontiers of the empire.

The western part of the empire included the Roman possessions in western Europe, including Britain, and Africa (Northern Morocco, coastal Algeria, Tunisia and western coastal Libya). The eastern part included southeastern Europe (the Balkan Peninsula) the possessions in Asia (Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Jordan and the northern part of the coast on the red Sea of Saudi Arabia), Egypt and eastern coastal Libya.

Emperor Constantine the great moved the capital of the east from Nicomedia to the nearby Byzantium, which he redeveloped and renamed Constantinople in 330.

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Q: Whawt was the last roman empire of the western empire?
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What city was the last capital of western roman empire?

The last capital of the western part of the Roman Empire was Ravenna. It replaced Milan as the capital on 402.

What was the fate of the Western Roman Empire?

Historians do not have a special name for the western part of the Roman Empire. Sometimes they call it western part of the Roman Empire and sometimes Western Roman Empire. They have a special name for the eastern part of the Roman Empire after the fall of the western part: Byzantine Empire.

What event is often used to mark the end of western Roman Empire?

The sacking of Rome by the Goths and the banishing of the last claimant to the the throne in 476 AD is the date given as the fall of the Western Roman Empire. This also marks the end of Classical Antiquity and the start of The European Middle Ages.

What event in roman history occurred last?

I guess you mean the last event in the history of ancient Rome. Rome still exists. Perhaps the last event in the history of the western part of the Roman Empire was the conquest of the Domain of Soissons, the last territory the Romans held in Gaul by the Franks (a Germanic people) in 486. The last event in the history of the eastern part of the Roman Empire was the capture of its capital, Constantinople, by the Ottoman Turks in 1453. Historians have coined the term Byzantine Empire to indicate the eastern pat of the Roman Empire after the fall of the western part.

Who eventually abolished the roman empire?

A Germanic leader named Odoacer deposed the last Western Roman Emperor in the year 476. Odoacer is generally given credit for abolishing the empire.

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What city was the last capital of western roman empire?

The last capital of the western part of the Roman Empire was Ravenna. It replaced Milan as the capital on 402.

Who was the Emperor when the Roman Empire fell?

Romulus Augustulus was the last Emperor of the Western Roman Empire. The last Emperor of the eastern Roman Empire (Constantinople) was Constantine XI Palaiologos.

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Who was the last roman emperpr?

The last emperor of the western part of the Roman Empire was Romulus Augustus who was deposed in 476. The last emperor of the eastern part of the Roman Empire was Andreas Palaiologos who died in 1502.

When do historians date the fall of the Western Roman Empire?

Historians have set 476 as the conventional date for the end of the western part of the Roman Empire. This was the year when the last emperor of this part of the empire, Romulus Augustus, was deposed.

What was the fate of the Western Roman Empire?

Historians do not have a special name for the western part of the Roman Empire. Sometimes they call it western part of the Roman Empire and sometimes Western Roman Empire. They have a special name for the eastern part of the Roman Empire after the fall of the western part: Byzantine Empire.

Why was Romes last emperor important?

Historians set 476, the date of the deposition of the last emperor of the western part of the Roman Empire (Romulus Augustus) by a usurper, as the conventional date for the fall of the western part of the Roman Empire.

When did the roman empire in the west end?

The Roman Empire in the west ended in 476 AD, when the last Roman emperor, Romulus Augustus, was deposed by the Germanic king Odoacer. Odoacer then became the ruler of Italy and marked the end of the Western Roman Empire.

Why is A.D. 476 considered an important date in Roman territory?

It is the conventional date historians have set for the end of the western part of the Roman Empire, which fell under the weight of the Germanic invasions. It was the year when the last emperor of the western part of the Roman Empire, Romulus Augustus was deposed. The eastern part of the Roman Empire was not affected by the invasions and continued to exist for another 1,000 years.

Why do historians often use 476 AD to mark the end of the Western Roman Empire?

This is the conventional date for the fall of the western part of the Roman Empire because in that year the last Roman emperor in the west was deposed. The eastern part of the Roman Empire continued to exist for nearly 1,000 years.

What effect did the fall of the roman empire have on Europe?

The Western Roman Empire was the western half of the Roman Empire, from its division by Diocletian in 285; the other half of the Roman Empire was the Eastern Roman Empire, today widely known as the Byzantine Empire.The Western Empire existed intermittently in several periods between the 3rd century and 5th century, after Diocletian's Tetrarchy and the reunifications associated with Constantine the Great and Julian the Apostate (324-363). Theodosius I (379-395) was the last Roman Emperor who ruled over a unified Roman empire. After his death in 395, the Roman Empire was permanently divided. The Western Roman Empire ended officially with the abdication of Romulus Augustus under pressure of Odoacer on 4 September 476, and unofficially with the death of Julius Nepos in 480.Despite a brief period of reconquest by its counterpart, the Eastern Roman Empire, the Western Roman Empire would not rise again. As the Western Roman Empire fell, a new era began in Western European history: the Middle Ages.

Who created the western world's greatest empire prior to the Roman Empire?

Alexander the Great, but it didn't last very long.