Even though the name is the same in each country, their pesos are worth different amounts and aren't interchangeable.
Even though the name is the same in each country, their pesos are worth different amounts and aren't interchangeable.
Mexico is a country. There are no countries 'in Mexico'. The currency in Mexico is the Mexican Peso (MXN).
The country that uses the forint as its currency is Hungary.
The country of Colombia uses Colombian Pesos, Otherwise known as, COP which stands for Colombian Pesos.peso's
Spain uses the Euro.
China is the country that uses yuan currency.
Vietnam uses the dong as their currency.
If you mean Mexico the country, it has the Mexican Peso (1 dollar = 13.4 Pesos). If you mean the US state of New Mexico, it uses the United States Dollar.
Pesos It is spelled Colombia not Columbia. About 2000 Pesos = 1 Dollar Average Lunch costs 3500 pesos.
Mexicans call there money 'pesos' as it is the currency of Mexico.
Singapore and Brunei
Malaya uses the Ringgit as its currency