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It depends on the terms of the contract between the contractor and the person who employed them. It is important for contractors to communicate any subcontracting arrangements with their clients to ensure transparency and avoid any potential legal disputes.

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Q: Is it against the law for a contractor to subcontract the whole job without consulting the person who employed them?
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Can an independent contractor's earnings be garnished in Colorado?

Yes, an independent contractor's earnings can be garnished in Colorado if there is a court order or judgment against them for debts owed. The garnishment process allows a creditor to collect a portion of the contractor's earnings to satisfy the debt.

What if you took a contractor to court to pay your attorney fees to get an illegal lien off your house and he has not paid so how do you put a lien on him?

To place a lien on the contractor for failing to pay your attorney fees as ordered by the court, you typically need to obtain a judgment against the contractor for the unpaid fees. Once you have the judgment, you can file a lien against the contractor's property or assets to secure payment. It's advisable to consult with a lawyer to ensure all legal requirements are met.

What can you do if you paid a contractor for supplies and work and he has not completed the job after numerous calls?

If the contractor has not fulfilled their obligations after numerous attempts to reach them, you may consider taking legal action by consulting with an attorney to explore options such as small claims court, filing a formal complaint with the contractor's licensing board, or seeking mediation to resolve the dispute. You can also document all communication and transactions related to the project to support your case.

What is the statute of limitations for sueing a contractor in the state of Michigan?

The statute of limitations for suing a contractor in Michigan is typically 6 years from the date the cause of action accrues. This means that you have 6 years to file a lawsuit against the contractor for issues related to their work or contract. It's important to consult with a legal professional to ensure you are following the correct procedures and timelines.

How do you check to see if a contractors license is valid?

To check if a contractor's license is valid, you can typically visit the website of your state's licensing board. There, you can search for the contractor's license number or name to verify its current status. Alternatively, you can contact the licensing board directly for confirmation.

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If you carry a ghost policy as a sub can you still file against the contractor?

No, you cannot file against the contractor if you carry a ghost policy as a sub. The only way to file against the contractor is via a worker's compensation claim.

Can a contractor lien the property and my vehicle?

Yes and no. The contractor can file a lien against your house for non-payment. Even if you honestly don't owe the contractor any money, he may still lien your house; he will eventually have to prove the lien's validity in court or it is automatically released. No lien can be filed against your car. However, if the contractor gets a judgment against you, that judgment may be executed against your car and home to secure payment.

Can you file a claim against employer if you are an independent contractor?


Will contractor have a right to repair a defect?

Yes a contractor has the right to repair a defect. It is a requirement of filing a lawsuit against them that you demanded repair.

In new york can a contractor put a lien against property after six month about which contractor had already complaint?

I think it's i number of it

does contractor general liability insurance protect the contractor from law suits filed against him ?

depending if your a corp. and what type s-corp,LLC.etc.. No they can still file suits against you but it can help with lawyers and payments. No it does not.

Can theft and fraud be filed against a contractor?

A contractor can be charged with theft and fraud. The crime is the same regardless of the relationship. The contract can be used to show what was expected.

Im self employed and want to claim for discrimination against you being pregnant?

Im self employed, and I have been working for a company and want to claim descrimanation against my pregnancy

Can you go to court to get a wage garnishment against a contractor who owes 8K from a civil case he owns his own painting business self employed makes money and refuses to pay up?

Yes. Talk to a local lawyer for details, since laws vary from state to state.

Can an employee be a contractor for the same employer outside of his normal working hours?

It would be a rare employer that does not have rules against it. However, as a contractor, you can independently state your hours and how you do your work.

Can an independent contractor's earnings be garnished in Colorado?

Yes, an independent contractor's earnings can be garnished in Colorado if there is a court order or judgment against them for debts owed. The garnishment process allows a creditor to collect a portion of the contractor's earnings to satisfy the debt.

Are debris removal companies required to have insurance to protect against injury or damage to property?

All legitimate businesses have insurance to protect against injury and/or damage to property. Before engaging the service of any contractor, it is wise to make sure that the contractor is sufficiently insured.