

Did people try to stop Hitler?

Updated: 8/22/2023
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15y ago

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Yes, though rather late. Poland resisted Hitler's demands and was invaded in September 1939. Britain and France declared war on Germany on 3 September 1939 in response to the invasion of Poland.

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11y ago

Not really.

before Hitler started the Holocaust he and the NSDAP had been discriminating Jews and other "lower races" in a very constructive way. He just kept creating new laws to isolate the Jews from the "normal Germans".

By doing this the Germans began to look down on the Jews and think of them as a queer folk. By the time Hitler started the Holocaust, WWII had started and most of the Germans coudn't really care about the Jews anymore.

And the few who did protest against Hitler were silenced (which was pretty easy because Hitler, being a dictator, had full controll over the police and media)

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15y ago

Yes, they were called the Allies...

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