

Was Hitler a war hero

Updated: 8/19/2023
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13y ago

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Hitler, very difficult to comment on him. But one thing is clear that if Nazi would have won the War, Then he might have been praised just like some real hero, as it is just like those who win they create history, and those who perish are termed as criminals.

Hitler was related to anne frank in meny ways but i still love him!!

Actually even if Nazi Germany did win WWII Hitler would have been shot by someone in the army because there were Nazis who hated Hitler. Some Nazis were good. Not all Germans were Nazis though. He would have been killed either way.


If the Nazis had won WW2 you would not dare discuss them openly like this - -but unfortunately you are right in implying we would be praising Hitler and/or National Socialism (with due regard to the party line of course), simply to avoid being murdered in some horrible way.

Hitler was a relative of Anne Frank? Really? The Nazis tortured and killed her.

So you "love" Adolf Hitler, then Nick Laurin, do you? There were "good" Nazis? That lays you open to a charge of being a neo-Nazi, and as such a particularly nasty piece of work at least in thought if not (thankfully) in deed.

There were many Germans who hated Hitler but dare do anything but "only follow orders" as a concentration-camp guard put it. Some of those were high-ranking military officers who realised what they were doing was wrong - but they had to be as dutiful to the Feuhrer as anyone else. If not they would have been put to death, possibly after appalling torture by the SS or Gestapo to try to establish the extent of their danger to the Third Reich. (It was a group of High Command officers who tried, but failed, to assassinate Hitler - no-one else had sufficient access to him.)

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14y ago

He had many hero(s):

Charlie Chaplin (1889-1977)

Hitler admired his work and films

Frederick the Great (1712-1786), who was the King of Prussia (1740-1786) was Hitler's favorite ideal of a military general. Hitler considered Frederick the Great a tactical military genius, who also was an enlightened ruler and a patron of the arts as well as a builder of great architecture. Frederick the Great had beautiful buildings built in his capital, Berlin, and he composed 100 sonatas and 4 symphonies. Frederick frequently led his military forces personally and had six horses shot from under him during battle. Even though his forces were usually outnumbered by his enemies, he was victorious in several wars against Austria, Russia, France, and Sweden, and he was able to unite the Kingdom of Prussia and other Germanic states into what would grow into a German Empire. Hitler desperately wanted to be most like Frederick the Great--a beloved soldier king, who was also a philosopher, artist, and enlightened ruler who wanted to grow his German Empire into a World Empire.

Hitler also admired Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821), the Emperor of France, who was able to unify Europe under French military rule. Hitler admired Napoleon, but believed Napoleon failed in his disastrous invasion of Russia because he wasn't brutal enough. Napoleon ordered his troops to retreat from Russia after being decimated by the cruel Russian winter. When Hitler invaded Russia, he ordered his troops to never retreat--and shot generals who retreated, thus leading to massive surrenders of German troops as they became surrounded and massacred by Russian troops.

Hitler also admired Richard Wagner, the German classical composer (1813-1883), who put to music many of the old Germanic myths and legends glorifying a united mankind under Germanic rule. Hitler was obsessed with Wagner's music, and saw himself as the incarnation of the German spirit as expressed in Wagner's compositions. Wagner was anti-semitic and Hitler identified with those prejudices and biases, and extolled the superiority and virtues of the Germanic Aryan race.

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15y ago

I believe he would have been considered a hero had he not killed so many people. Without the demands of weapons in WW2 that were in short supply to attack the German army the Great Depression would have lasted longer than what was recorded.

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13y ago

Certainly not in respect of the Second World War.

In the First World War he was decorated twice for bravery (Iron Cross 2nd Class, Iron Cross 1st Class). Whether that would qualify him as a war hero is a matter of opinion.

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14y ago

well, that's what most people are saying so ya i guess he was...

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