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Adolf Hitler committed many war crimes but was not captured because he committed suicide the day he saw that the whole German empire was destined to collapse and that Soviet soldiers were coming by the thousands. Adolf Hitler killed many Jews in World War II and tortured them, often by sending them to death or labor camps, in which many died every day. He believed that Jews were to blame for the German defeat in World War I. After the war, Isreal was created to help relocate the Jews that had survived the war. Many Jews would never even think about going back to Germany.

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12y ago
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Melanie Esparza-DeLu...

Lvl 1
1y ago
Thank you! This information is really going to help on my presentation wednesday!
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8y ago

Hitler was the dictator of Germany. He became Chancellor of Germany in 1933. When he invaded Poland in September of 1939, he triggered the involvement of the nations of Europe in World War II. While Hitler was mainly responsible for starting WWII, the Japanese were also involved by their conquests in Asia. Hitler's goal was to dominate Europe and eventually the world.

Hitler used several tactics to gain power for his National Socialist (Nazi) party in the 1930s. Many Germans came to enthusiastically support his vision for Germany, having become impoverished and dispirited following their defeat in World War I. Some suspected that another war was inevitable, as the German military was rapidly rebuilt into a formidable force.

Hitler was said to have no leadership skills, but he was leading millions of people using an effective group of loyal subordinates. It was only in specific instances that his personality flaws led to crucial errors in the conduct of the war. In the end, some of his own supporters saw that Germany was defeated and tried several times to kill him, in hopes of avoiding the complete destruction of the country.

On April 30, 1945, as Berlin was being destroyed by the Soviet army, Hitler married his longtime companion Eva Braun and the two committed suicide. His Thousand Year Reich had lasted less than 12 years.

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12y ago

well, there was a few things he did. first of all, he killed a LOT of people that weren't in the war, second of all, he destroyed almost all of England and third of all, he killed people who didn't join his army.

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9y ago

According to Hitler's commanding officers, all accounts say that Hitler was a valiant fighter during World War I. Apparently, he even suffered from a shrapnel accident that nearly blinded him. By the end of the war, Hitler was a decorated corporal.

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13y ago

wanting to be like a king to the world and take over people

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