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The German economy was crumbling to the ground because Germany agreed to sign an Armistice to stop gihting World War 1. The representatives of thirty two countries met in the Palace of Versailles Paris, France where they decided what would happen to the losing countries (Turkey, Austria-Hungary, Germany and Bulgaria. Germany had to pay a very heavy war compensation ( 6600million pounds) and lost 1 million square miles of colonies throughout the world. German business men went bankrupt and so the economy became poor.

In addition, Germany had lost some of her most precious sources of raw materials as her colonies, and some of the areas ceded to other countries, were rich sources of income. These factors would make it harder for the German economy to cope.

The harsh terms of the Treaty of Versailles caused widespread resentment in the country and the cost of reparations added to the economic problems caused by the cost of fighting the war.

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Germany's Weimar Republic failed, inflation destroyed the economy, and many Germans lost their savings. Hitler returned after his failed coup and bashed the Treaty of Versailles. He was a charismatic leader who stated that the other European nations had wronged Germany and he was going to break the treaty. He also blamed the Jews for all of the social and economic problems.

The Nazis rode the new wave of German nationalism, and the economy surged as the country began manufacturing war materials, which were tested in the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939).

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After World War I, the economic, political, and social conditions were terrible. The nation suffered a devastating defeat. Inflation was rampant with staple foods being in short supply.

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Germany experienced an economic depression, and Adolf Hitler and the Nazis rose to power.

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Q: What happened to Germany after the economic depression after World War 1?
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How did Hitler get power?

He worked to become a popular person, ran for office, and was elected President of Germany. Germany was in an economic depression ,with incredibly high inflation and unemployment. He convinced the German people that he would be their savior.

What was the historical effects of World War 2 on Britain and US?

The Great Depression was a severe worldwide economic depression in the decade preceding World War II. The timing of the Great Depression varied across nations, but in most countries it started in about 1929 and lasted until the late 1930s.

What happened in 1930 in World War 2?

Many things happened in the US from 1930 to 1945. FDR was President, the country was going through a crippling economic depression, America won big at the 1936 Olympics, and the US entered World War II in 1941.

How did global economic conditions affect Europe after World War 1?

After World War I, global economic conditions affected Europe profoundly. In the late 1920s and 1930s, in particular, the economic depression affected western nations such as France and Great Britain so severely that their military budgets were drastically reduced. In Germany, the same depression worsened already harsh conditions, thereby paving the way for the Nazi Party to attain power.

Why was Hitler the Germans' last hope?

The Germans may have viewed Hitler as their last hope because at the time Hitler came into power they were suffering and economic depression. Germany was broken from World War I and the reparations they were charged with. Hitler promised to restore Germany's economy and to build a strong country.

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massive economic hardships caused by the Great Depression

What were some famous events that happened in the 1930s?

great depression, post world war, Germany tries to take over, Hitler springs to front of Germany's politics

How did Hitler get power?

He worked to become a popular person, ran for office, and was elected President of Germany. Germany was in an economic depression ,with incredibly high inflation and unemployment. He convinced the German people that he would be their savior.

In which year was the peak of the great depression?

It was in the 1930 during which there was a severe world wide economic depression.

When did the great depression begin in the east?

It happened all over the U.S. and the world. Th economy was not just bad in the United States it was also bad in Germany or England or France etc.

What are two things that contributed to the economic crisis in Germany before World War 2?

There were several issues that helped create an economic crisis in Germany in the years before World War Two. Prior to 1933, Germany had been hit with runaway inflation and problems paying the war reparations of the Treaty of Versailles. These two issues placed post World War One Germany in an economic depression. After the Nazi's gained control of Germany, they violated various parts of the Versailles Treaty, and placed the country on a "war footing". With borrowed funds they began to fuel the making of their war machine.

What happened in 1929 and what was the impact on Germany?

The stock market crashed and the German foreign minister died. This caused a world wide depression and gave Adolph Hitler power.

Was Germany to blame for both wars?

Yes, very much indeed actually. With economic depression in europe after ww1, Germany was punished after that war. With Germany in depression, Hitler rose to power because he was a bitter man after ww1. He hated the victorious allies and created the Nazi Party. and sooo on... Jews... Holocaust....

What resulted from the panic of 1873?

Economic problems and depression around the world

What economic event influenced World War 2?

the Great Depression.

Where is the setting of the Great Depression?

Mainly the United States of Americabut The Great Depression was a world-wide economic crisis.

What was the historical effects of World War 2 on Britain and US?

The Great Depression was a severe worldwide economic depression in the decade preceding World War II. The timing of the Great Depression varied across nations, but in most countries it started in about 1929 and lasted until the late 1930s.