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In terms of military success and defeat, then Britain has by far the most successful military. In the words of Al Murray, "Britain is the heavy weight world war champion" which to some extent is true as it is regarded that the UK was the major force behind the victory in World War 1, even though their were other contributing nations, because at the end the UK was the only nation with a strong and properly equipped army. It also was a major force in the second world war being the only nation at the time to stand against Hitler and the Brits were also responsible for other notable actions such as D-Day which was mostly British lead and made and the majority of the troops were British, Opertion Market-Garden and the incredible 1st Airborne resistance at Arnhem.

Even before the world wars Britain was still a very Strong military power having a major part in the napoleonic wars and taking over 1/4 of the entire Earth's landmass and 1/3 of its people.

Since the second world war and the Americans rise to power Britain has still remained a strong power contributing 45,000 troops to Iraq and 10,000 to Afghanistan. They also took on a larger force of Argentinian's in the Falklands and won with a 7/1 kill ratio.

They also have the most elite units in the world under their command, the SAS is the most elite, hard arse fighting force on the planet and is the basis on which nearly all modern Spec ops are based. Also, the Royal Marine Commando's are elite maritime troops who are all commando trained and are elite snipers and mountain warfare soldiers.

Though only the 25th largest Military on Earth they have the 3rd largest defence budget and have incredibly well trained troops. The money spent on the indavidual soldier is the most in the UK than any where else except perhaps Israel.

Other strong military Nations include the US but their success rate is a lot lower being a younger nation and having a string of historical defeats such as Vietnam and that they have never entered a major military conflict without foreign alliances i.e Vietnam they had South Vietnam and Austalia, WW2 had the UK and USSR.

France also has a strong military but frankly a poor sucess rate.

Israel also deserves a mention, but fails to have troops trained as well as the UK's and was only formed 60 years ago.

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