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The Germans referred to the British as 'Tommys'.

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Q: What slang terms did German soldiers use for US British and Russian soldiers in World War 1?
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Name of World War I German Soldiers?

German soldiers during World War I were called "Huns" by the American soldiers. The Germans called their soldiers "The Bosch" during World War I.

What slang terms did US soldiers use for German soldiers in World War 2?

Jerry Jerry was the British term. US soldiers called them Krauts or Nazis.

What slang terms did German soldiers use for US British and Russian soldiers in World War 2?

The common nicknames are as follows: 1. Russian soldiers were commonly called Ivan; 2. British soldiers were called tommies and British Paratroopers were also referred to as Red Devils; and 3. American soldiers were called yanks. American Paratroopers were called Devils in Baggy Pants, and numerous other nicknames were used. The Bloody Bucket soldiers was a nickname the Germans gave to the 28th Infantry Division soldiers out of respect(red shoulder patch resembling a bucket).AnswerThere's a term the Germans used a lot to refer to the "Americans" that wasn't mentioned "Ami", pl. "Amis". The Germans were called "Krauts", "Jerries", "Huns"; the French called them "Les Boches" And in Russia "Gans" (Hans, as there's no "H" in russian), or "Fritz". Oscar R MaldonadoAnswerGerman: Fritz Russian: IvanBritish: TommieAmerican: Yanks

What are names of Russian soldiers during World War 1?

Russia was one of the few countries that participated in both World War I and World War II. During World War I the Russian army was known as the Cossacks.

How many German soldiers were killed during World War 2?

5.53 Million German Soldiers were reportedly to be killed during World War 2.

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Name of World War I German Soldiers?

German soldiers during World War I were called "Huns" by the American soldiers. The Germans called their soldiers "The Bosch" during World War I.

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What slang terms did US soldiers use for German soldiers in World War 2?

Jerry Jerry was the British term. US soldiers called them Krauts or Nazis.

How many Russian soldiers were killed in world war 1?

The exact number of Russian soldiers killed during the First World War is unknown. It is estimated that the Russian Empire lost anywhere from 1.7 million to 2.2 million soldiers.

What slang terms did German soldiers use for US British and Russian soldiers in World War 2?

The common nicknames are as follows: 1. Russian soldiers were commonly called Ivan; 2. British soldiers were called tommies and British Paratroopers were also referred to as Red Devils; and 3. American soldiers were called yanks. American Paratroopers were called Devils in Baggy Pants, and numerous other nicknames were used. The Bloody Bucket soldiers was a nickname the Germans gave to the 28th Infantry Division soldiers out of respect(red shoulder patch resembling a bucket).AnswerThere's a term the Germans used a lot to refer to the "Americans" that wasn't mentioned "Ami", pl. "Amis". The Germans were called "Krauts", "Jerries", "Huns"; the French called them "Les Boches" And in Russia "Gans" (Hans, as there's no "H" in russian), or "Fritz". Oscar R MaldonadoAnswerGerman: Fritz Russian: IvanBritish: TommieAmerican: Yanks

What did British soldiers shake for good luck during world war 1?

A dried-up hand of a German or French soldier's hand.

What are names of Russian soldiers during World War 1?

Russia was one of the few countries that participated in both World War I and World War II. During World War I the Russian army was known as the Cossacks.

How many German soldiers were killed during World War 2?

5.53 Million German Soldiers were reportedly to be killed during World War 2.

How many German soldiers served in the German army during World War 1?

The number of German soldiers who served in the German Military in World War I was 13,250,000. The number of American military personnel that served during World War I was 4,743,826.

How many Finnish soldiers were killed by Russian soldiers during World War 2?

Approximately 85,000.