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death and destruction and my grandfathers boots. C'mon do some research and stop being lazy

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Q: What were the contributions of each of the countries involved in world war 1?
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What kind of government did each of the countries involved in World War 2 have?

Democracy, monarch, dictatorship, Communist

How did the different countries involved in World War 2 communicate with each other?

Countries have to depend on each other more now than in the past to solve economic problems. People used telephones. They were not as good as are ones today.

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highlights the contribution of each country in developement of physical education.?

How do the countries involved in World War 2 relate to each other now?

Germany and Japan relate well with other nations now. They have a good economic trade with the rest of the world.

Why did 32 countries get involved with World War 1?

Each country had a secret alliance with maybe four or five other countries. so if one country declared war on another their allied countries would have to declare war as well.

When did each country get involved in World War 1?

Italy,Germany,France,Great Britain, Belgium, Poland and other small countries in 1914. The U.S.A in 1917

Why was World War 2 classified as a 'world war'?

none of the world wars were litterally a world war, not all of the countries fought on both wars and the countries didnt fight everyone on each other in both wars, WW2 was classified as a war world because it splitted most of it [Europe and USA joined it too] into 2 groups that fought each other: Allies and Axis.

What historians has organized her study of the past based on the category period?

the answer is: A historian studies each of the major world powers between the years 100 BC E and 100 CE. APEX

What are the countries in each of the seven continents in the world?

The best thing is to look at the countries in an atlas, then you will get some knowledge of the world.

What contributions did Russia make in World War 1?

It's because you parents love each other. AHAHAHAHAHAHH

What were the alternatives to World War 2?

Before going to war the countries involved could have tried to resolve the problem peacefully and between each other. However as there was not much chance of this happening, is seemed that was the only option.

How do countries get into the World Cups?

After F.I.F.A divides the countries into groups continent vise they then have to qualify , the first two from each group qualify for the world cup.