

Who stopped Hitler?

Updated: 8/18/2023
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8y ago

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The Allied Powers. More specifically it was the Russians from the East and the US and Britain from the West. The Russians got to Berlin first and they were closing in on him when he commited suicide. Russian troops found his burned body.

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8y ago
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9y ago

The Allied forces (consisting of Britain, United States of America, Canada, Australia, NewZealand, South Africa, France was in and out of the war, and various volunteers from Poland, the Netherlands, Norway, and Denmark also participated. In 1942 the Soviet Union joined the allies) didn't 'STOP' the Nazis, after constant fighting with bombs, grenades, charges, tanks, bullets, sub machine guns, and many lives lost, houses and buildings burnt down or destroyed, it was that the Nazis finally surrendered after approximately 6 years. (From September 1939 to late April/Early May 1945)

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10y ago

The people who were doing the persecuting stopped.

There was no dramatic intervention, there was no attack on a camp that saved people from the gas chambers. Gassing stopped weeks and months before liberation. When the Allies came to camps the hand-over would take many days, to avoid scenes of the inmates tying to take retribution on the guards.

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14y ago

The Holocaust ended when the Allies invaded Germany.

WWII was going on, so when Germany surrendered, the Jews were liberated.

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15y ago

The only thing that stopped the holocaust was the Allied victory over Nazi Germany.

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16y ago

Nobody/Nothing really stopped/captured him. In the end, Hitler finally just killed himself.

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17y ago

the United States, Russia and England.

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4y ago

Not proven. In fact Hitler had a plan B. He was also funded by american investers(Henry Ford who supplied military trucks, IBM, Rockerfeller, Carnegie and a wealthy couple in Argentina). He was delivered by plane/ submarine to the foothills of Argentina where he, Eva Braun and a few body guards lived in seclusion until his death. His grandchildren live there today. I have seen and read CIA documents as well as listen to 2 witnesses who gave interviews w/ translator. One was the cabnet maker, and the other a maid for the wealthy couple where he celebrated successful military attacks. Hitler shaved his mustache but they both knew who he was. They were warned not to ask questions by the limo driver.

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4y ago

The attempt to assassinate failed. The body they found in the bunker was also burned. An obvious cover up. He had a plan B and he, Eva Braun and a few bodyguards were delivered by submarine. He lived his life in seclusion in the foothills of the Andes mountains in Argentina, His grandchildren live there today. CIA documents exist as well as 2 interviews of a cabnet maker and maid of a wealthy landowner couple in Argentina. It was stated that the very first Mercedes in Argentina was a gift from Hitler to the landowners wife. History tells us that american investors who funded Hitler include: Rockerfeller- Standard Oil who furnished a fuel additive for his fighter planes, Carnegie- a steel investor who ran the railroads right up to the concentration camps, IBM who furnished computers to tally death tolls, Henry Ford who built all his military trucks, and the wealthy land owners in Argentina.

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How was Hitler first stopped?

Hitler wasn't stopped by anyone. Hitler and his wife Eva Braun committed suicide by poisoning themselves with cyanide, then Hitler chose to shoot himself in the head. They did this because Hitler knew he was loosing World War 2 and was too much of a coward to be caught by the Soviet troops. Hitler wrote in his will that his body and his wife's were to be burnt where they died. No bodies were ever found.

Which country stopped Hitler?

It would be fair to say that the combined efforts of England, France, Russia, the United States, Canada, Australia, and to a lesser extent a few others, stopped Hitler. If I had to choose one who did more than any of the others, it would probably be the United States. But British readers may disagree.

When hitler shot him self in the head is that why war stoped?

No. The war would have stopped anyway. Hitler committed suicide because he had realised that the war was lost (and the lost war started and led by him and he was afraid of the consequences).

When did Roosevelt decide Hitler had to be stopped?

It is not clear from the historical record as to precisely when President Roosevelt personally decided that Hitler was such a menace to civilization that he needed to be stopped by force of some kind. During 1940, however, this decision was revealed in his commitment to assisting Great Britain in its fight against Hitler. Even more clearly, from December 7th of 1941 onward, Roosevelt made the fight against Hitler America's first priority, despite the hostilities that had at that time broken out against Imperial Japan.

What could of stopped Hitler?

He was highly motivated and could only have been stopped by a premature death.

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Why they stopped Hitler?

The Allies stopped Hitler because they were fighting against them and because he was destroying Europe and killing millions of people.

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Hitler Didnt really have any involvement in the camps but ocasionally he stopped by .

What year was Hitler stopped?

In 1945 when he killed himself.

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the world realised that adolf Hitler needed to be stopped when they found out about the criminal acts of human injustice that he had been committing.

How was Hitler able to kill Jews?

because no one stopped him.

What did Hitler do after all the concentration camps were stopped?

nothing, he was dead.

Who stopped Adolf Hitler?

The Allies, the US, UK and Russia did.

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Hitler loved his mom, eventhough sometimes he got mad at her, because she didn't stopped his father from beating Hitler or klara, his mom.

Who stopped Hitler killing the Jews?

Losing WWII and committing suicide.

What did Hitler do with the power?

Hitler was planning to establish a super race of Aarans but was stopped by the Allies before he got far with that plan.

How was Hitler stopped during World War 2 as a dictator?

Adolf Hitler killed himself in his bunker in 1945, along with Eva Hitler (formerly Eva Braum).

Did Hitler know he was going to be stopped did he get tipped off?

Hitler knew he was going to be stopped within 24 hours, that's why some theories about his death say that he committed suicide because he didn't want his enemies to capture him.