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Britain and France declared war on Germany. Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa declared war on Germany. Italy declares war on the Allies Germany, Finland, Hungary and Romania declared war on Soviet Union. Britain declared war on Finland, Hungary and Romania United States declares war on Japan Germany and Italy declares war on United States Italy declares war on Germany (changed sides) Romania declares war on Germany (changed sides) Soviet Union declares war on Japan I think you missed out Britain, Australia and New Zealand declaring war on Japan. Oh, and don't forget that Costa Rica declared war on Germany ... It provided the government of Costa Rica with an opportunity to seize German property.

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17y ago
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12y ago

Pretty much, the Axis Powers were against the Allied Forces. WWII began with the September 1939 invasion by Germany into Poland. But for a better example...

(Equal sign means declared war)

USA=Japan, Germany, Italy

Britian=Germany, Japan

Russia=Germany, Japan

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14y ago

It began when the UK and France declared war on Germany in 1939 in response to their invasion of Poland, although Japan and China had already been at war for two years by that time.

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14y ago

Hitler hadn't declared a war with anyone but when he invaded Poland and Russia he had violated the treaty of Versailles which said Germany was not allowed to officaly uniform an army

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14y ago

There where many countries fighting but the most serious fight was between Russia and Germany. (Russia won)


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