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Germany told Britain they wouldn't go any further than Czechoslovakia, Britain could see past this and suspected Germany. Britain and France then made a pact with Poland that if Germany invaded Poland they would declare themselves at war with Germany. Britain declared war on Germany as per her promise to Poland after Germany invaded the country on September 1, 1939.


Britain joined WWII for a confluence of reasons, chief among these was the growing acceptance that Germany's expansionist policy would inevitable bring the UK into conflict with Germany, and that delaying would give further advantage to the growing German war machine. This was why since the Munich agreement the UK had begun a programme of rapid rearming. However coming to the aid of Poland was not only the best opportunity but also an ideological matter, since Hitler had overrun Czechoslovakia after the Munich agreement, The British had their initial prestige and standing damaged, so it was an effort to restore that.

AnswerBritain joined WWII for the same reason they had joined WWI, a fear of growing German military power.

Britain felt that a Germany dominant in Europe, controlling Poland and probably the Balkans, would be 'too big to handle'. Thus, using their weak ties to Poland as an excuse, the British declared war on Germany in 1939, a war that Germany did not desire or seek.

Also, strange as it may sound, Britain got into war due to a personal loathing by Churchill of Hitler. Other statesmen more or less got along with Hitler but Churchill hated Germans and Hitler in particular. He would not allow for negotiations, which could have ended the war quickly and on good terms for the British, by 1940.

I have often thought that had the British people known what their leadership knew, that war would likely bankrupt the country and cause the loss of empire gathered over 500 years, that they would not have supported Churchill and his crusade. The leaders of British industry and commerce knew that Britain could not afford to fight WWII and cautioned Churchill against being too provocative. Churchill would hear none of it and ended up with his country reduced to second rate status internationally with major power shifted to the USA and Russia. Towards the end of WWII the British people finally had enough of Churchill and voted him out of office. He's gone down as an icon in the history books despite a military and political record that is a disaster by any reasonable standard.

AnswerEngland (and France) had done nothing when Germany reoccupied the Rheinland, had done nothing when Germany annexed Austria, had done nothing when Germany took the Sudetenland from Czechoslovakia, had done nothing when Germany took over the rest of Czechoslovakia, each time hoping that this would be the last German aggression. Each time Germany only wanted more. When Germany invaded Poland They finally realized they could no longer just do nothing and hope the problem would go away. Eventually Germany would come after them. So they declared war. Michael Montagne AnswerThe UK (and France) had a military alliance and defense pact with Poland.

In an alliance, if one party is attacked the allied must come to its aid.

Thus when Germany declared war upon Poland, the UK and France declared war upon Germany.

It was only at this point that the war became a world war. Germany was (and is) a geographically confined state in Central Europe with no colonies, dominions or Commonwealth.

Unlike Germany at the time, the UK did not wage lawless aggressor wars against other European states. She only did that in her colonies.

AnswerAll of Europe was being attacked by the Axis powers. Germany intended to run all of Europe, their logic being that the Aryians were far more "organized" and capable of running things. First Europe, then the world.

People tend to forget the lessons of history.

AnswerThe official reason was to protect Poland. Since both Britain and France had treaty obligations to aid Poland, they declared war upon Germany two days after Germany had invaded Poland. The reason they did this, was because they realized that the policy of appeasement was not working. Hitler would state that this is my last demand. With those words, he re-occupied the Rhineland, annexed Austria, seized the Sudetenland, then followed that up with annexing the rest of Czechoslovakia, then onto Poland. They realized that Hitler did not intend to stop there.

Germany told Britain they wouldn't go any further than chechzlovakia, Britain could see past this and suspected Germany. Britain and France then made a pact with Poland that if Germany envaded Poland they would declare themselves at war with Germany. A small point............The mutual defence agreement between Poland, France, and Britain was signed about two years before Germany invaded Poland. It was well known that Britain would go to war if Poland was invaded. Hitler was COUNTING on this happening , to give him an excuse to also invade France. He had no intention of stopping until he had ALL of Europe at his feet. And he all most made it. Jim Bunting. Toronto.
The official reason was to protect Poland. Since both Britain and France had treaty obligations to aid Poland, they declared war upon Germany two days after Germany had invaded Poland. The reason they did this, was because they realized that the policy of appeasement was not working. Hitler would state that this is my last demand. With those words, he re-occupied the Rhineland, annexed Austria, seized the Sudetenland, then followed that up with annexing the rest of Czechoslovakia, then onto Poland. They realized that Hitler did not intend to stop there.
Your arent right at all The axis percieved them as a threat and invade some land they own by Germany and that started the war, they did nothing to protect the U.S. and actually with all due respect, if the U.S. didn't come in i do not believe England would have won due to the fact that they were alone against them. England fought amazingly especially their air force when Germany was bombing London, but without the u.s Normandy would have been a failure, and also the U.K would be speaking German

i may or may not be right but i think it was to keep the united states out of the war.
Britain and France had a defence agreement with Poland to the effect that they would come to Poland's aid if they were attacked. On 1 September 1939, German troops invaded Poland so on 3 September 1939, Britain and France issued a joint Declaration of War against Germany.
England really didn't have much of a choice. Hitler kept moving trips into different nations breaking the Versialles Treaty. To try and prevent war, England sent representatives to negotiate peace with Hitler. Hitler agreed not to invade any more countries. Hitler than quickly broke that truce, and invaded Poland. To make sure England would not be taken over by Nazi Germany, Winston Churchill declared war on Germany.
Hitler was openly breaking the treaty of Versailles, claiming it was unfair and overly harsh. But the British and the French tried to avoid war by a policy of appeasement.

France and Britain were not prepared for a second world war in the space of two decades, either mentally or in terms of resources (plus, bear in mind the crippling effects of the Great Depression of 1929 onwards) . There was also a general air of sympathy with the Germans from the British public.

Hitler was allowed to conquer much of Europe, for various reasons, without fear of being stopped by Britain. Austria, Czechoslovakia and the Saar coalfields were all taken over by the Nazi regime. By September 1939, however, it was clear that Hitler would always want more, no matter how much the Allies sucked up to him, so, when Germany invaded Poland, it was apparent that appeasement had failed, and Chamberlain (British PM) had earlier promised Polish independence with signed contract.

For these reasons, the British Commonwealth declared war with Germany.

To stop Nazi aggression in Europe and, secondly, to prevent Germany from becoming an international power that could have threatened Britain's imperial interests by demanding possessions in the Middle- and far East, and Africa.


The immediate impetus for the United Kingdom's entry into the Second World War on 3 September 1939 was the German invasion of Poland which occurred 2 days before. Germany had been diplomatically warned not to invade Poland or and the Danzig corridor in particular by the Chamberlain government in England and by the Third Republic in France, who were acting as guarantors of Polish sovereignty. As a result of the Declaration of War the British Expeditionary Force of some 300,000 men were mobilised for service in France and the Royal Navy commenced hostilities against German shipping and the German Navy.
Britain had an agreement along with France that, if Germany invaded Poland, she would declare war on Germany.
The first reason was treaty obligations to Poland. France also had treaty obligations to Poland. The second reason was a history of aggression from Germany, knowing they would not stop with poland. It is odd that the war in Europe began over protecting Poland's sovereignty and ended even with a Allied victory and Poland being given to the Soviets. To stop Hitler's plan to take over the world
Probably so Hitler couldn't come over and start attacking them
After Hitler invaded Poland in 1939 with violence

Britain and France realised the Germans have gone too far by violating the Treaty of Versailles way too many time's so they declared war on Germany

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the Germans invaded Poland a country they were going to pretect but they could not do that because the Germans block them so they entered ww2 because they could not help Poland

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