The NVA and ARVN fought in South Vietnam. The only fighting taking place in North Vietnam was between jet aircraft (the air war).
The United States where fighting the North Vietnamese Army to deter communism in South Vietnam. The Chinese also were a part of the conflict however not so much as a direct entity as a funding source for the NVA.
South Vietnamese Army personnel were called ARVNs and South Viet civilians were called "Viet Nationals" (short for South Vietnamese citizens).
Gio Linh on Highway QL1 lies on the southern edge of what was the DMZ, or demilitarized zone separating North and South Vietnam.
"vietnamization" was thhe plan was to encourage the South Vietnamese to take more responsibility for fighting the war. It was hoped that this policy would eventually enable the United States to withdraw gradually all their soldiers from Vietnam, who, in theory, would be replaced by South Vietnamese soldiers.They weren't and Communist north Vietnam won the war. I suppose America could have saved a lot of lives by not getting involved in the first place
North against South Vietnamese.
The North was fighting the US; the South was allied to the US.
The US wasn't fighting the Vietnamese. The US was fighting the communist NORTH Vietnamese. The SOUTH Viets were friends of the US.
The United States where fighting the North Vietnamese Army to deter communism in South Vietnam. The Chinese also were a part of the conflict however not so much as a direct entity as a funding source for the NVA.
The Viet Cong were actually a guerrilla force fighting against the South Vietnamese government and its allies during the Vietnam War. They were a communist insurgency movement with connections to North Vietnam. They were not the army of the South Vietnamese communists, but rather a separate entity that fought alongside the North Vietnamese army.
He Sent them to Help The South Vietnamese Against The North Vietnamese
The south.
The north wanted to conquer the south (and did).
Ground fighting occurred through out the Republic of South Vietnam. Unofficially, fighting occurred in Lao's and Cambodia along the South Vietnamese borders. Air Strikes occurred in North Vietnam, South Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos.
The north won.
Over the radio it was, November Victor Alpha (NVA). The Viet Cong were "Victor Charlie" (VC).
The United States lost the will to continue fighting. The Vietnamese, who were defending their own country, were willing to fight forever. The North Vietnamese saw no distinction between North and South Vietnam. Ed Vietnam War Veteran 1968-69