stock it would run like a 14.3 on quarter mile at about 87 mph
Stock 13.80
305 / 4 barrell is 17.7 seconds in the quarter mile
Harley 9.18 1/4 mile
about 18.5 sec @ 79mph
high 13
Both stock,depending on race strip,let's say quarter mile on: the 400 ex.anything less then a quarter mile the yz
f*ckin' SLOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LS1FTMFW!
stock around 15.3 with the fuel injected engine
3800 quarter mile timeThe quarter mile time is 15 seconds or 15.30 , That's what I got in my 2000 3.8 before I modded it. Its also auto a standard could lower that a little.
15.090 @ 92 mph
18.8, and a stock 2001 camaro v8? well, alot better