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yes it can but it would have to be well below zero unless the rabbit was already unwell

the fur catches most of the heat from the movement, or traps the heat from the sun. this is why your coat is so warm. the rabit would have to be much colder than freezing to die unless some idiot shaves the rabit bald.

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Q: Can a rabbit freeze to dearh?
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Is rabbit bad for gout?

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Try melting a Hershey Bar (You can get it at Fred Meyer) and pouring it into a container. Freeze it, and take it out, dump out the frozen chocolate, and carve it into a rabbit.

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50% regular ol' anti-freeze (Peak, Prestone, whatever) with 50% water.

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When a rabbit spots a fox, it will typically freeze in place to assess the situation and try to remain undetected. If the fox gets too close, the rabbit will swiftly flee to escape the predator.

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One form of nonvoluntary response in an animal is salivation in a dog. Another type of nonvoluntary response is the freeze reaction in a rabbit when it is frightened.

What is the name of the rabbit in The Velveteen Rabbit?

The rabbit in "The Velveteen Rabbit" is simply known as the Velveteen Rabbit or the Rabbit.

What are you doing to stop introduced species in Australia?

Consider some of the following options: * Fried Rabbit * Southern Fried Rabbit * Chicken Fried Rabbit * Baked Bunny * BBQ Rabbit * McRabbit and Fries * IHOP rabbit * Captain DeRabbit. * Deli Rabbitsalami and Rabbitstrami * Biscuits and Rabbit Gravy * Rabbit pot pie * Rabbit Stew * Rabbit Casserole * Rabbit Flambe * Rabbit Kabobs * Rabbit Chowder * Rabbit Creole * Roast Suckling Rabbit * Roast Rabbit and Yorkshire pudding * Four and Twenty Rabbits baked in a Pie * Rabbit Sushi * Rabbit Haggis * Rabbit Hock and Bean Soup * Rabbit Rinds * Rabbit Jerkey * Rabbit Ragu * General Tsos Rabbit * Rabbit Kao Pao * Curried Rabbit * Corned Rabbit and Cabbage * Corned Rabbit Hash * Bunny Burgers * Bunny Bouillabaise * Hare Hamburgers * Fuzzy Wuzzy Frankfurters * Corn Rabbit * Rabbit Chile * Rabbit Wings

How do you keep your rabbit outside without making it hot?

If its hot or cold outside don't let the rabbit out unless the play area is in the shade. Also, don't put the rabbit in direct light! Its eyes will hurt! You can keep a rabbit cool outside if you provide fresh cold water and some shade on a nice day! (not hot or cold)

Who was Roger Rabbit's wife in Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

Jessica Rabbit is Roger Rabbit's wife.

What are the behavioral adaptation of rabbit?

Rabbits are very adaptable creatures because of their relatively fast reproduction functions and wide feeding habits. Freeze behaviour when startled reduces the chances of being seen by nearby predators.

Can anti freeze freeze?

Yes it can freeze.

What is a rabbit joint?

A rabbit joint is where you smoke a rabbit