

Best Answer

yes, it's called Freedom of speech is the concept of the inherent human right to voice one's opinion publicly without fear of censorship or punishment. "Speech" is not limited to public speaking and is generally taken to include other forms of expression. The right is preserved in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and is granted formal recognition by the laws of most nations. Nonetheless the degree to which the right is upheld in practice varies greatly from one nation to another. In many nations, particularly those with relatively authoritarian forms of government, overt government censorship is enforced. Censorship has also been claimed to occur in other forms (see propaganda model) and there are different approaches to issues such as hate speech, obscenity, and defamation laws even in countries seen as liberal democracies.

Another view

Not specifically to deal with freedom of speech. Unlike the USA, Canada has separate laws to protect ones rights to speak openly and freely. The laws in Canada put reasonable limits on ones right to openly spread hatred against an identifiable group. Canadians are proud to have the rights to freedom of expression but that freedom does not extend to inciting hate crimes. Our freedoms of expression are defined in our own constitution by our own population and not based on those of other countries.

Technically ...

Canada indeed does have a First Amendment to its Constitution (upper case C) - the 1983 Constitutional Accord on Aboriginal Rights which added section 35.1 to the Constitution Act of 1982.

If you want to get really technical and ask what the first amendment to the constitution (lower case c) was, there might be a case for saying it was what is now called the "Manitoba Act, 1870" (and has a much longer technical title), which added the province of Manitoba to the British North America Act of 1867 (which is the Act of the United Kingdom Parliament that created the Dominion of Canada).

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