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Not really. The child of two married individuals is legally considered to be the child of both spouses. If the child is beyond the age at which the parents have legal responsibility for him/her, the legality of paternity is almost entirely irrelevant. If is mostly just a social/family issue. The parent can refuse to see the child, refuse to speak to the child, etc.

The only remaining legal detail is writing the child out of the parents will, living will, etc., so that the child cannot make end-of-life decisions for the parent or inherit any of the parent's estate.

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Q: How would a parent legally renounce paternity of an adult child that is his own child?
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In New York, you are legally considered an adult at the age of 18.

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The residence is the property of the parent's - you have no legal "standing" to continue to occupy their residence. the law only requires that your parents support you and be responsible for you until you legally become an adult. Once you become an adult you become a resident of their domicile at their "sufferance." and you can be invited to 'quit the premises' at any time.

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If the child is 18 or older, and is not in custodial care of the parent by the courts, they're legally an adult, and the parent has no legal right to lay claim to their tax returns.

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In the state of Texas a person becomes legally designated an adult at the age of 18. In most cases the parent(s) will no longer be legally or financially responsible for the child (an exception could be a child support order that stipulates a different age). If the parents so choose they may request their "adult" child to move from their residence.

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At the same age in every other state in the U.S.A - 18 or when the parent legally grants EMANCIPATION to the minor in question, which requires the adult to petition a judge for the release the child from their responsibility.

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In the US at age 18, you are legally an adult, and do not require permission of a parent for most things.

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I believe you could get a restraining order against an adult child if he/she is threatening you or your personal property.

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The simplest way is to be an adult. Once you are an adult you can live where you wish. Until then, the parents get to make the decisions.