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The abandonment of a minor child is not necessarily defined as the actual physical leaving of a child, that is a different matter. Abandonment is defined as the non compliance of the obligated parent to financially support his or her biological child. There is of course the act of physical abandonment which is related to the placing of a child in a dangerous or unsuitable environment, in which case several criminal charges would be applicable depending upon the specific circumstances.

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Q: In Washington State what is considered child abandonment?
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If a child has been left with no money, inadequate food, no shelter, and no clothing; this is considered child abandonment. In Georgia, the state can take the child away because this is considered abuse.

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In Illinois abandonment of a child is considered when a parent fails to pay child support or visit a child. This is determined on a case by case basis, and abandonment occurs within months to a year.

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Depends on the state. It can be 6 months to a 1 year without paying child support etc.

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The definition of child abandonment is very clear in Indiana. Any child who is young and left on their own is considered abandoned.

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48hrs unless its with someone or it is 18

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In Ohio it is considered abandonment if a child is neglected or suffers physical or mental injury by a parent. It is also abandonment if a parent leaves their child for any period of time without any support, money, or communication.

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'Abandonment' is when a child is left somewhere with no parent, ie, the child has been ditched somewhere. If the child is with one parent, it doesn't matter how long the other parent doesn't see it, it's never 'abandonment'.

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I'm pretty sure it is because my dad did that for four years and they considered it abandonment.

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In Kentucky, if a parent leaves without providing money or communication to a child for over 6 months it is considered child abandonment. If this happens, the parents rights can be taken away.

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If a parent does not provide money, communication, food, clothing, or shelter for a minor child for over 30 days it is considered child abandonment in Utah. This can lead to parental rights being terminated.

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