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By todays standards John Hancock would not only be considered a Terrorist but a Traitor as well who used his political position of trust and authority to undermine the exisiting Government of Law and Order to further his and other wealthy traitorous Yankees personal agendas.For allowing Yankee,murdering thugs, to confiscate and banish New England born Tories was a black mark against a new forming Nation.

Any nation whose birth is stained by sneaky malcontent terrorists who hide behind a bush and shoot a policeman [or Redcoat] is destined to have a society and Gov`t in its future system based onmurder,violance,corruption,fear,disrespect,collusion,hate

and will result in Civil Wars,sections,assasination of its Leaders and suppresion.

in my book heros are those who selflessly work and strive to see a wrong and work in the existing Society and Gov`t to gain a position of authority thereby being able to bring about non violent change and fairness for everyone.The Englishmen responsible for the insubordinate revolution of the New England Colonies living in Boston New York and Virginia are in the same catogory as Blackbeard,Captain Kid,

and Durrell.Colourful but not interrested in really advancing Civilization.

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13y ago

Well, in the sense that Hancock was a criminal - a smuggler - then, no. But in terms of his loyal support and funding for the revolution against England, he is a great role model.

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Just one, Dorothy Quincy Hancock, they had three children, Lydia Hancock who died at ten months, John George Washington Hancock who died at nine, and Nancy Hancock, who died immediately after birth.

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John Hancock (1737-1793) was president of the Second Continental Congress and therefore the first delegate to sign the Declaration of Independence. Today, when Americans say they are putting their "John Hancock" on something, they mean they are signing a document.

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From his father John Hancock Jr. and his father John Hancock Sr.

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No, John Hancock did not have a ponytail.

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no john Hancock was married

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John Hancock did many things to make today better. One of those things is his siging of the delecration of independence. If the Americans lost the American revolution than everyone that signed the delcration would be killed.