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American Immigrants to CanadaThis info is from the citizenship and Immigration Canada website.

If you want to be a permanent resident, there's a point system where you have to score high enough. Having a college education is a lot of points; grad school is more. There are points for speaking English and French. There are also points for having job skills, and a chart tells you what skills are worth how many points.

There's also a skilled worker program where you can get into Canada to work indefinitely. You have to have $9,500 for one person (that's Canadian dollars) and $12,000 for two people - there's a chart. This is to prove you can support yourself for six months, and I think you don't have to have the money if you have a job offer. You'd also have to qualify in terms of job skills.

  • My granddaughter has lived in Whistler BC for several years now. She has worked as a waitress, etc. but was not allowed to work long because she had no work visa. She finally married a Canadian citizen and got a visa.
  • You can "visit" Canada for six months without working. I would use the time to look for employment. Once you have a job offer, you can apply for immigrant status as a "skilled worker." See the official Canadian immigration site,
  • I strongly suggest that you contact a Canadian Immigration office for official and ACCURATE information regarding emigrating to Canada. I am an American who lived in Canada for 11 years. Because I am married to a Canadian, my immigration situation was a bit different, but I can say without a doubt that "landed immigrant" does NOT denote someone who owns is simply a formal designation of immigrant status, much like our "alien" status here in the U.S. You are not required to own land to be granted permanent residence status in Canada. However, what with NAFTA and probable subsequent rulings on immigration, I am sure that the requirements change frequently. Therefore, do not rely on possible internet misinformation, contact either the Canadian Embassy here or an Immigration office in any major Canadian city for accurate current information and requirements.
  • Bottom line, it's not hard for a US Citizen to relocate to Canada if a) They have a job there. b) They are highly qualified in a desirable field. c) They have family members or friends in Canada willing to sponsor them. or d) They have spent at least 2 years attending a secondary or post-secondary school in CA, or working there. Canada welcomes hardworking immigrants especially if they are skilled and speak one (or both) of the official languages - English and French. Permanent resident status can lead to citizenship after 3 years. There are basically four ways to become a permanent resident: The Business-class Immigrant owns or plans to own a business in Canada. They have capital of at least $800,000CAD and will invest at least $400,000 CAD in a business once they arrive. There is also a self-employed individual program, which applies primarily to professional athletes and artists with works of cultural significance. The Skilled Worker program is probably your best bet. It extends permanent residence to people who have a job in CA. It also extends PR status to some people in highly skilled occupations that are in demand, to look for work. Skilled occupations include farming, high tech, and hospitality industry positions, among others. You must have at least $10,000 CAD per person to support yourself while you relocate. See the official Canadian Immigration website below for details, and an online quiz to qualify. The Family-class Immigrant has family members willing to sponsor them in Canada. Before you spend money on an expensive immigration lawyer, check out the official Canadian Govt. immigration website at, and spend a few weeks -- or months-- in the Province of your choice as a visitor. Who knows, you may even find a job while you're visiting.
  • Congratulations for a most accurate and concise answer about Americans coming to Canada to live and work. I can't think of anything to add to your post, except that I wish more Americans would FOLLOW your advice, instead of simply assuming that they can "drop in and get a job " in Canada without any kind of Canadian Government paperwork or investigation of their background or education, as if they were moving from Ohio to Michigan.
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no becase the jobs that the usa haves only benifit the usa in resources that only the usa can use. even if the canadians did take usa jobs they would not be able to make a profit. p.s. the question kind of dosint make sense. do you mean can canadians come to the usa and have a job in the usa?

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