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The process known as diffusion. The cardiovascular system plays a large role by transporting both of these gases through the blood. Oxygen and carbon dioxide are both carried by the red blood cells (RBC). The carbon dioxide is "buffered" by the blood to keep it from turning acidic. This process results in respiration. The two kinds of respiration are internal (tissue) respiration and external (pulmonary) respiration.

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Q: The movement of both oxygen and carbon dioxide in the body is accomplished by?
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How is the movement of oxygen in the body similar to and different to the movement of carbon dioxide?

So the movement of oxygen in the body is different to the movement of carbon dioxide as while oxygen enters the red blood cells during this movement the carbon dioxide stays out. It stays in the plasma. Also for the movement of carbon dioxide to happen oxygen is needed. Its a product of aerobic respiration. The movement of oxygen in the body is similar to the movement of carbon dioxide as both processes require respiration and pass through the walls of the capillaries.

How is the movement of oxygen different from the movement of carbon dioxide in the body?

because your mind is not working

How is the movement of oxygen in the body different from the movement of carbon dioxide?

because your mind is not working

How do you describe the movement oxygen and carbon dioxide between living things in the environment?

It is a cyclic movement. There are an oxygen cycle, a carbon cycle and a nitrogen cycle. Oxygen is inhaled by animals, who them exhale it as carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is inhaled by green plant life, where it undergoes photosynthesis, and is exhaled as oxygen. The carbon remaining in the plant as biomass. The carbon in biomass is eaten by animals. Animals then convert carbon to carbon dioxide and exhale it. It then undergoes photosynthesis, and thre carbon component is retained in the plant as biomass.

What is the net movement of gases into anf out of a leaf during daytime?

Carbon dioxide moves in while oxygen moves out.

When a carbon reacts with oxygen to form carbon dioxide carbon dioxide is the?

Carbon dioxide is the product; oxygen and carbon are the reactants.

Is carbon dioxide oxygen?

No. Carbon dioxide is a chemical compound of carbon and oxygen.

When carbon reacts with oxygen to form carbon dioxide carbon dioxide is?

When carbon reacts with oxygen to form carbon dioxide, carbon dioxide is the product of the reaction.

How is the movement of oxygen in the body similar to the movement of carbon dioxide?

Both Glucose and Carbon Dioxide don't pass through the red blood cells but stay in the yellow watery part of the blood called plasma

What is carbon dioxide-oxygen?

Oxygen-Carbon Dioxide Cycle- a continuous exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide by plants and animals including human

Which 2 gases are exchanged at the surface of the air sac?

During photosynthesis, carbon dioxide and oxygen are exchanged. The plant uses the carbon dioxide for the photosynthesis and expels oxygen.

What is the dfference between breathing and respiration?

Breathing is the movement of air into and out of the lungs. Respiration is the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide. Oxygen is picked by and carried to the cardiovascular system and taken to the cells. The cells take up the oxygen and release the carbon dioxide back into the CVS and out to the lungs. The lungs take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide.