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Central Africa and South Africa

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Q: What are the two countries in south Africa called?
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What is a two word country that begins with south?

South Korea and South Africa are countries.

Two countries in Africa which are in the southern hemisphere?

South Africa and Lesotho

What are the main countries in Africa that do gold mining?

Zaire and South Africa are two countries in Africa that mine gold.

What two countries contain the word south?

SOUTH KOREA South Africa South Sudan

Are there two separate presidents for Africa and south Africa?

Africa is a continent that contains over 50 countries, most of which have presidents. There is no president of Africa, as it is a continent, not a country. South Africa is one of the countries in Africa, and it has a president.

What country has two smaller countries inside of it?


Are Botswana and Namibia very similar to South Africa?

Yes, Botswana and Namibia are very similar to South Africa because they are the two countries that forms most of South Africa.

Which two countries are mirror image of each other?

south america and africa

What are the two names of the two landlocked countries?

The two landlocked countries in South America are Bolivia and Paraguay. There are many landlocked countries in Africa, Asia, and Europe.

Which three countries border Swaziland?

There is only two countries that border Swaziland; South Africa, and Mozambique

What are two countries that touch the equator?

Brazil, South America and Rwanda, Africa.

Which two countries fought for control of South Africa in 1488?

Portugal and Holland