What is the time zone in swaziland?
Swaziland is in the South Africa Standard Time zone, which is UTC+2.
What is the average annual temperature of Swaziland?
The average annual temperature in Swaziland is around 68°F (20°C). It experiences mild temperatures throughout the year due to its elevation and proximity to the coast.
Which country has the lowest life expectancy?
The country with the lowest life expectancy is Eswatini (formerly Swaziland) in southern Africa, with an average life expectancy of around 51 years. This is mainly due to high rates of HIV/AIDS, poverty, and limited access to healthcare in the country.
What languages are spoken in Swaziland?
SiSwati and English. Zulu is also spoken as is some Afrikaans
The most common language is English, usually in official capacities, as government business is conducted in English, but they also speak siSwati.
English and Swati are both recognised languages
The official languages are English and Siswati
Two languages are recognised, English and Swati.
English and SiSwati
What if you travel from Swaziland to get to Sudan which direction would you go?
North - 2709 air miles
What major ethnic groups are in Swaziland?
The two main ethnicities in Swaziland are African (97%) and European (3%).
Where do most people in Swaziland live cities or rual areas?
75% live in the country as subsistance farmers.
It is an LEDC because it is a very poor country and a large number of people have AIDs.
How do you say hello in swaziland?
It depends on which Swaziland language you are talking about. The following 5 languages are spoken in Swaziland:
What are the similarities between Japan and the US?
# USA is nearly twenty times the land area of Japan. But the population is not in that proportion.
2. USA owes its civilizational underpinnings and culture to Europe. Japan is an Asian, Oriental society much in contrast.
3. Japan's prosperity is in its ant-like hardworking nature of the people. USA is anything but that.
4. USA is endowed with many natural resources in abundance, which is the cause for its prosperity and will continue in future too. Japan is scantily endowed with such things; yet by persevering and by dint of hardwork they built a huge export driven economy. It will continue to prosper for the same reason.
5. Japanese society is like a monoculture. It is highly homogenous, where a non-Japanese sticks out like a sore thumb. USA is built up as a social group of immigrants; utterly heterogenous and every trait has (social or political) its root elsewhere, notwithstanding what her politicians crow about.
6. The very serious demanour of Japanese attitude in contrast to the American attitude makes the latter almost frivolous. Or the American light-hearted attitude makes the Japanese attitude very grave in comparison.
# Both are in the temperate zone, with the ocean current 'Kurosio' doing to Japan what 'Gulf stream' is doing to eastern sea-board of USA.
2. Both are acclaimed as rich nations, members of G-6 and what not. Both are knowledge driven societies with high premium placed on services like Medicine, Engineering, Science and Technology, which makes them role models for all (without exception) other countries. For a person with these skills who is made to feel welcomed, all national barriers or ethnic/Jingoistic perceptions melt away. Very few countries can boast of this national trait.
Is Swaziland passport visa free to Ireland?
yes its visa free passport to ireland. Mr zia www.ziabc.com
What is swaziland most famous for?
their hing and his many wives. last count was 13 wives and 3 fiances. His last wife was 2 years younger than his daughter, and 2 of his wives left him by running away.
What is the human environment interaction in swaziland?
The human environment interaction in Swaziland Africa is usually caused by the pollution's from the factories there. The smoke and pollutants can affect the atmosphere and pollute the streams.
Are there deserts in Swaziland?
There are no deserts in Swaziland. The climate variesfromtropical to neartemperate. The geography is slightly moutainous and hilly.