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Q: What is the key to all civil rights amendments and laws?
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What amendments extended civil rights?

The 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments extended civil rights and are frequently referred to as the Civil Rights Amendments.

What does a civil rights movement fight for?

A civil rights movement fights for the rights of all people. A civil rights movement wants to change laws that ensures equality for all people. There are civil rights movements all over the world.

Which amendment gave African American women the right to vote?

The civil rights laws and voting rights laws gave African Americans the voting rights in 1965. This was a hundred years after the civil war amendments and 45 years after women got the rights to vote.

Which amendment is the civil rights amendment?

There is more than one civil rights amendments. They were all passed right after the Civil War, and so they are also called the Civil War Amendments. Please note that these are the major civil rights amendments, and that others may be relevant as well. 13th Amendment - bans slavery/involuntary servitude 14th Amendment - all citizens must receive equal protection under the law 15th Amendment - male African Americans are given the right to vote

Which document list the rights of people?

In the United States the laws of the land are based on the Constitution. The first ten amendments to the Constitution contains the Bill of Rights. This lists the rights of all citizens of the United States.

What part of the constitution are many of Americans civil liberties articulated?

The first 10 amendments, known as the Bill of Rights

Why did the civil war amendments do little to protect the rights of african americans?

Civil War amendments did little to protect the rights of African Americans due to southern state adopting "Jim Crow laws". These laws demanded strict segregation in all public places. Signs that identified areas for either "white" or "Colored", sprang up throughout the south. Plessy v. Ferguson institutionalized the racism by deciding that since the segregation had nothing to do with slavery, it was not prohibited by the Constitution.

Who protects the rights of all Americans?

The Bill of Rights and other amendments protect the rights of all Americans.

How did Rosa parks affect anerican history?

She started the civil rights movement by not moving her seat to the back row. This changed the constitution, the laws, and gave civil rights to all people.

What did the reconstruction amendments do?

The Reconstruction amendments added the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments to the Constitution. Among other things, these amendments freed the slaves, gave them equal protection under Federal laws, and gave them the right to vote.

How did some southerners attempt to bypass the amendments and laws passed to grant equal rights to African Americans?

By passing the black codes which were laws passed by the southerners to control the freedom of all the freedmen

What are the thirteenth fourteenth and the fifteenth amendments called?

These three amendments are often referred to as the "Post-Civil-War Amendments", as they were all passed in the years right after the Civil War. They have sometimes been called the "Civil Rights Amendments" as well. The 13th Amendment abolished slavery, the 14th Amendment provided that all persons born in the U.S. were citizens and prohibited state governments from denying them their civil rights (and also contained provisions pertaining to the defeated Confederacy and its officials), and the 15th Amendment guaranteed the right to vote to former slaves (as long as they were adult males). Interestingly, these amendments were the first since 1804, and were the last until 1913. All of the (other) political compromises that made the federal government what it was in the 19th century were accomplished without amending the Constitution.