Sochi is a city in Russia, and the official currency of Russia is the Ruble (RUB).
the beaver on march 24 in 1975
While the proper title is National Lampoon's Animal House, everyone will recognize it as just being called Animal House. toga, toga, TOGA!
Russia or U.S.S.R
The beaver is the animal that is the official symbol of Canada, also Finn is the beaver's nick name in eastern Canada
The Russian Bear
Yes, Russia is the official language of Russia.
The official church of Russia is the Russian Orthodox Church. Even though it is the official church there is complete religious freedom in most of Russia.
Japan doesn't have an official animal.
There is no official animal for the continent of Antarctica.
In Texas, the armadillo is the official state animal.
the czar
Switzerland's national animal is the unicorn.Im not kidding.Switzerland does not have an official national animal. One animal that is regarded as specifically Swiss is the marmot (Murmeltier).
Africa's animal is a springbok, which is a type of deer.Answer 2Africa is a continent. It does not have one government which can have an "official" anything. The answer is that there is no official animal symbol for Africa.
Puerto Rico's official animal is the coqui, a type of amphibian.
A bear is a national symbol of Russia